Was Agent Smith A Virus?

Was Agent Smith a virus?

Agent Smith (later simply "Smith") was an Agent of the Matrix and the main antagonist of the series. After being initially destroyed by Neo, he became an Exile program and manifested as a computer virus; characterised by his uncanny ability to copy himself over the minds of bluepills, redpills and programs alike.

How did Agent Smith get out of the Matrix?

Mr. Smith took over Bane right as the phone rang for him to be able to leave the Matrix so Mr. Smith, now in bane, just picked up the phone and was downloaded into Bane's actual brain just like we download viruses onto our computer and the virus will edit our files and change whatever it was programmed to do!

Why did Smith explode?

When Agent Smith copied himself onto Neo, he inadvertently connected to the Source and the machines were able to delete him. Going back to the end of the first Matrix movie, Neo destroyed Smith. Like all programs when they break, they must return to the Source to be deleted.

How did Agent Smith get so strong?

The answer is: Eat more cookies and you will find out the reason... The Oracle-Smith gave Smith the power because she was a stronger program, not designed for fighting by nature - but smith was. He also had taken every body inside the Matrix, and had a collective consiousness from which he drew upon.

Is Bane a Agent Smith?

Bane is a fictional character of The Matrix trilogy. He first appeared as a member of the Resistance who later became an affiliated puppet of Agent Smith. He served as a major antagonist in The Matrix: Revolutions.

How was Smith defeated?

The war between humans and machines ended shortly after Trinity died in a crash. Neo sacrificed himself to stop the spread of Agent Smith, which the Matrix could no longer control. ... There he allowed himself to be absorbed by Smith's program. Neo destroyed it from within, and in the process both he and Agent Smith died.

Is Agent Smith a bane?

Bane is a fictional character of The Matrix trilogy. He first appeared as a member of the Resistance who later became an affiliated puppet of Agent Smith. He served as a major antagonist in The Matrix: Revolutions.

How did Smith become bane?

To this end, Smith becomes less like the antivirus he represented in the original film and more like a virus, spreading and infecting the Matrix. In The Matrix Revolutions, Smith enters the body of a human called Bane while he's plugged into the Matrix, and then uses Bane as a vessel to escape into the real world.

Is Agent Smith a good villain?

Agent Smith is not only Neo's nemesis, but one of the greatest villains of all time. Besides his power to copy himself, Smith has incredible skills like speed, strength, martial arts and the ability to communicate with other agents and the Matrix itself.

Is Agent Smith the best villain?

Agent Smith is a fictional character and the main antagonist of The Matrix trilogy. He was portrayed by Hugo Weaving in the films and voiced by Christopher Corey Smith in The Matrix: Path of Neo. ... In 2008, Agent Smith was selected by Empire Magazine as the 84th Greatest Movie Character of All Time.

Who is stronger Neo or Smith?

Yes, The Agent Smith is more powerful in every film. Doesn't matter which fight you pick, Neo is only a human connected to the Matrix. If he dies- he dies for real. Whereas Smith was destroyed at the end of the first film, and came back in the second one.

Who is the most powerful character in the Matrix?

Neo Neo follows his new friends down the rabbit hole and joins their crusade to end the ongoing war. In time, Neo comes to be recognized as The One, a savior of prophecy meant to lead humanity to freedom, and the most powerful of all humans inside the Matrix.

Why did Cypher betray Morpheus?

Cypher's number one reason for wanting to return is his dissatisfaction with reality. After being freed from the Matrix by Morpheus, Cypher became disillusioned with the real world. ... As Cypher tells Agent Smith, "Ignorance is bliss." Cypher's decision is also driven by his disbelief in Morpheus.

Who is stronger Neo vs Smith?

Yes, The Agent Smith is more powerful in every film. Doesn't matter which fight you pick, Neo is only a human connected to the Matrix. If he dies- he dies for real. Whereas Smith was destroyed at the end of the first film, and came back in the second one.

Who is the traitor in the Matrix?

Cypher Cypher (born Reagan) was a redpill assigned to the Zion hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar under the command of Morpheus. He was also the one who betrayed the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar to aid Agent Smith to help him achieve information on the Zion mainframe.

Is Morpheus a bad guy in the Matrix?

The Matrix 4 could surprise Neo, Trinity, and the fans by installing Morpheus as the main villain. ... Morpheus was responsible for bringing Neo into the real world, and insisted against all odds that he was "The One," despite the condemnation of his peers.

Is Agent Smith a bad guy?

Agent Smith is the main antagonist of The Matrix trilogy and a posthumous antagonist in the 2005 video game The Matrix Online. He is the leader of Agents who later became a computer virus within the second and third films, as well as Neo's archenemy.

Who is the most powerful person in the Matrix?

Reloaded Weapons: The 20 Most Powerful Characters In The Matrix, Officially Ranked
  1. 1 NEO. Neo didn't make his way to the top of the list because he can fly, or because he can dodge bullets.
  2. 2 THE ORACLE. ...
  3. 3 AGENT SMITH. ...
  4. 4 THE ARCHITECT. ...
  5. 5 SERAPH. ...
  6. 6 THE KEYMAKER. ...
  8. 8 WEREWOLVES. ...

Why is Neo so strong?

Neo has carried, since his conception, the Matrix's source code known as the Prime Program. This gives him the ability to freely manipulate the simulated reality of the Matrix, similar to the authority a system administrator has over a given system. He manifests these abilities as various superhuman powers.