All of the main animatronics in the Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals facility were all scooped, attaching themselves to Ennard, with Baby as the primary controller. Speaking through Ennard, she claimed to Michael that he was being hunted by Ballora's endoskeleton, and could be heard assuring Ballora that he was here to help.
The last level involves rotating pipes to connect the beginning to end. The minigame will end with the player starting a fire in the boiler room, Ennard's screams echoing out as the player's elevator rises back up to the surface.
Estranhamente, os jumpscares de Ennard na Private Room estão em uma iluminação diferente, muito semelhante aos de Five Nights at Freddy's 2. Não se sabe por que isso ocorrer.
No menu Extra, em seu primeiro teaser, na Sala do Scooper durante o Real Ending e no Fake Ending, o lado esquerdo de sua máscara permanece aberto.
O estado de Ennard é muito semelhante ao de Mangle, já que ele possui a grande parte de seu corpo exposto. Fios e partes de endoesqueletos de outros animatrônicos compõem o seu corpo. O seu endoesqueleto possui um olho com íris azul e o outro encontra-se sempre fechado. Quando ele está na Private Room, ele usa a máscara que ficava na parede do Primary Control Module.
If the player decides to not follow Baby's instructions and has finished Baby's minigame, he will enter a secret room and Ennard will try and pursue the protagonist. Circus Baby speaks through Ennard as it tries to get inside the room, needing Michael to escape the facility. It is unable to understand why Michael doesn't want to help. It then starts speaking in the voice of Elizabeth (hinting that William's daughter became a part of Baby, and by extension, Ennard). After surviving the night, Ennard appears in Michael's home while he is watching television. What happened after that is unknown, though it is presumed that Ennard killed Michael from there.
Stray wires run along the body of Ennard and are shaped differently from the other animatronics, which possess wires coiled to look like muscle tissue, while Ennard's wires are a tangled mess. Some wires even have wires poking out at their ends. Each hand sports four tubed fingers ending with smaller wires. Its lower legs are spring-shaped, but the left has smaller springs and covered with more wires. Its feet are similar to Circus Baby's, but sports six - four together and two apart - wires as toes. The toes have smaller wires coming out. Both arms resemble the human skeleton's forearm, including the ulna and the radius.
Ennard is the final antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location and reappears in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted.
Há vários olhos espalhados pelo seu corpo, indicando que ele é feito por partes de animatrônicos. Ele possui um olho amarelo, provavelmente pertencente a Funtime Foxy; um olho verde de Baby; um olho rosa do Bonnie Puppet, e um olho azul de Funtime Freddy.
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“ Se nos encontrarem assim, não poderemos tentar novamente. Se nos encontrarem assim ... Năo vamos poder tentar de novo ... Você deve nos ajudar. Deve deixar-nos entrar na sala. ”
Ennard is only present on Night 5, and will attack the player if the player does not type in Circus Baby's password fast enough or does not follow the instructions given in Funtime Auditorium (with the exception of when the player makes a run for the Private Room.
Quando o jogador sair da sala Partes & Serviço, Ennard irá acompanhá-lo na escuridão do Funtime Auditorium e irá atacá-lo se o jogador desobedecer as instruções de Baby ou usar a luz.
Just like Molten Freddy, Springtrap, Withered Chica, and Mangle, Ennard also climbs in the vent system. But it is difficult to track, appearing only briefly here and there when moving. It can't be seen in the vent opening but gives itself away by making a squeaking sound before attacking. To prevent failure, the player needs to shut vent door. Once they here a thud, Ennard will return to the start of the vent, at its behavior resets.
While Ennard is long gone by this point, a recreation of it appears in the Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience, based on the rumours surrounding the Fazbear brand.
Enquanto Ennard não tem nenhum terno para cobrir seu endoesqueleto, ele é mostrado usando a máscara branca de suporte com quatro placas faciais vista no Módulo Primário de Controle. Ele também veste um chapéu de festa amarelo com listras verdes. A máscara tem orelhas, sobrancelhas vermelhas amarronzadas finas, e um nariz vermelho do palhaço. Como uma máscara real, não cobre toda a cabeça do portador. No meio de seu peito, Ennard também tem um grande botão vermelho semelhante ao de Balloon Boy.
In the Fake Ending, Michael instead goes into the Private Room too quickly for Ennard to catch him. Ennard then tries in break into the room, while Michael defends himself. Ennard also uses both Baby's and Elizabeth's voice to emotionally bait Michael into giving up. At 6 AM, when Michael is rescued, Ennard vows to find a way out and is later seen dragging itself into Mike's house, indicating it followed him all the way there, presumably to drag him back into the Scooping Room.
Ennard is the twisted amalgamation of all the Circus Baby's Pizza World animatronics. It first appeared in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location as the final antagonist.
A música que toca enquanto o jogador se defende contra Ennard no Fake Ending é chamada de "Watch Your 6", provavelmente fazendo referência a você chegar até hás 6h em cada jogo do FNaF, ou uma piada destinada como "Assista seu seis, há um animatrônico que vem para você".