Is Madara Stronger Than Hashirama?

Is Madara stronger than Hashirama? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is Madara stronger than Hashirama?

Madara has more ninjutsu than Hashirama, Hashirama's wood style is stronger than Madara's although not by that much. ... IMO I would have to say Madara would win at very high difficulty, due to superior versatility, slightly stronger ninjutsu, much superior genjutsu (if that even comes into play) and superior intellect.

Is Madara obsessed with Hashirama?

Madara is obsessed with Hashirama. ... He idolizes the kind of power that Hashirama represents to him - the only person he has never been able to defeat.

Who is Madara Uchiha to Hashirama?

Madara is a member of the Uchiha Clan, one of the strongest clans of the village of Konoha. During his childhood, he met a child named Hashirama and become his friend. The two compete with each other to become strong. Together they envisioned a village where ninjas will not kill each other.

Is Madara brothers with Hashirama?

Born into the Senju clan before the era of shinobi villages in a time of permanent war, Hashirama grew up as the older brother of two other Senju, Tobirama and Itama. Madara had a third brother named Kawarama, but whether he was younger or older than him is not known.

Why is obito obsessed with Rin?

Rin was a female Leaf Village ninja who served as the medical-nin assigned to Team Minato, and Obito happened to be madly in love with her. It was because of this love that he risked his life to save her when she was kidnapped by Stone Village ninja during their mission at Kannabi Bridge.

What is Naruto obsessed with?

, Uchiha clan last survivor. Well one of the reason why Naruto is so obsessed with Sasuke is because he can relate very much to Sasuke. Both carries the same loneliness. Sasuke was Naruto's best friend and he cared for him so much.

Did Obito still love Rin?

Naruto leading up to the movie realized that he had always loved Hinata. With this logic, Rin could realize that she loved Obito. However the afterlife scene after Obito died shows a lot. ... Then after she died and watched over Obito she realized that her heart in fact was with Obito.

Did Obito kiss Rin?

With this logic, Rin could have realized that she loved Obito. However the afterlife scene after Obito died shows a lot. In my opinion, up until she died she had a crush on Kakashi. After she died and in the afterlife she may have realized she loved Obito.

Why is Naruto so obsessed?

Naruto decided to treat as Sasuke his rival and desired to be acknowledged by him. And that made him obsessed. Obsessed to stand by him, to be acknowledged by him, to be with him as a member of Team 7. He was obsessed to protect him because he wanted to.

Why is Sakura mean to Naruto?

Naruto and Sakura are very close friends. They have been together for a long time and it has only solidified their bond. However, this wasn't always the case. When Naruto was just a little boy, Sakura actually mocked Naruto for being an orphan, something over which Naruto had no control whatsoever.