Where Do I Get A Map In Pokemon Emerald?

Where do I get a map in Pokemon Emerald?

Contrary to FireRed and LeafGreen, you do not receive a Town Map in Emerald. Instead, it is a feature in the Pokénav that the Devon president gives you after returning the Devon Goods. Once again, it is not a separate item that you receive.

What regions are in Pokemon Emerald?

With the introduction of new versions, new regions are also introduced. Kanto corresponds to Red, Blue and Yellow, and Johto corresponds to Gold, Silver and Crystal. Hoenn corresponds to Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, and Sinnoh corresponds to Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

Can you go to Johto in Emerald?

To get the Johto starters in Emerald, in-game, first you must complete the entire* Hoenn region Pokedex, than speak with Professor Birch. He will comment on your achievement and allow you to pick one of the three Johto starters.

Where is the best place to train in Pokemon Emerald?

Well-Known Member

  • Route 111 (SE of Lavaridge) - Start in front of the Poké center. Grab your bike, go East and jump down the ledges. ...
  • Route 118 (East of Mauville City) - Go to the East, there will be a small river. ...
  • Route 120 (East of Fortree City) - Walk to the East, over the bridges which connect the treehouses.

What is the fastest way to get XP in Pokemon Emerald?

Other Answers

  1. Battle all trainers (I used to try and run from them lol)
  2. After defeating your in-game dad (Norman? ...
  3. Battle wild pokemon (their exp is not a lot though)
  4. Rare candies.
  5. Day care centre.
  6. Gym battles/Elite four/Rival etc (basically people you have to battle anyways)

Can you get Eevee in Pokemon Emerald?

While Eevee isn't available in Pokémon Emerald, it's still present in the game data. Entering a code with the Gameshark will get you an Eevee without the hassle of trading.

What Eeveelutions are in Emerald?

Eevee evolve to Espeon and Umbreon.

Which fossil is better in Emerald?

Claw Fossil since Anorith evolves into Armaldo which as we know is the strongest Hoenn fossil Pokemon.

Is Cradily or Armaldo better?

Cradily fills doubly duty as a Grass type, and has solid balanced defences and decent balanced offenses. Armaldo may lack good moves for its Bug typing in RSE but it hits much harder than Cradily at the expense of less special bulk.

Which fossil should I take in Pokemon Emerald?

Ascend the tower and at the top you'll find two fossils, the Root Fossil on the left and the Claw Fossil on the right. Take any one of them, and the tower will crumble and the other fossil will disappear into the sand. Not to worry, you can recover it.

Can you get both Anorith and Lileep in Emerald?

You have the option of getting the Root Fossil (Lileep) or the Claw Fossil (Anorith), however you can only get one. You can get the other fossil after you beat the game in the Fossil Maniac's home. They are items that you are able to interact with in the top.

What is the root and claw fossil in Emerald?

The Root Fossil becomes a Lileep, and the Claw Fossil becomes an Anorith.

Where do I go after Flannery in Emerald?

After beating Flannery you can now head back to Petalburg to challenge your Dad. Your Dad has Normal types so prepare a fighting Pokémon near LVL 30 to beat him. To get to your Dad you will need to beat three rooms straight of Gym trainers.

How do you forget HM moves in Emerald?

By default, Pokémon have no way to forget HM moves, but the Move Deleter can erase HM moves just fine, allowing you to use that spot to teach them another move. In Pokémon Emerald, the Move Deleter is in Lilycove City, to the right of the department store.

Is there a move Relearner in Pokemon Emerald?

The move maniac can be found in the house next to the Fallarbor Battle Tent. He will teach a move that your Pokemon will have learnt at an earlier level if you give him a Heart Scale. The Double-Edge tutor is in the Sootopolis City Pokemon Center. ... The Metronome tutor is in the Fallarbor Town PokeMart.

How do you get rid of Pokemon in Emerald?

Question for Pokemon Emerald

  1. Forgoten_Scars answered: Release it back into the wild. ...
  2. Pravinj answered: Access the PC, find the Pokemon you want to toss out, and select the option to release it. ...
  3. Guest answered: You can leave your Pokemon in the Pokemon daycare in route 117 and never come back for it.

Why can't I forget HM moves?

In early generations of Pokémon this was not always possible. ... One possible example is a Pokémon that didn't learn the move through the actual HM but through other means. If you got to a location using that HM move, deleted it and didn't actually have the HM to add it back, you'd be stuck without Fly.

Can you delete HM moves in fire red?

The move deleter is in Fuschia City, the house right next to the pokecenter.

Can you replace an HM move?

If a Pokémon learns a new move while in Pokémon Day Care, an HM move can be replaced if it is at the top of the list; however, in Generation I the Pokémon Day Care will not accept Pokémon that know HM moves. ... Pokémon that know HM moves can also be freely deposited and withdrawn from Pokémon Bank.

What Pokemons can use cut?

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Cut

Can you cut grass in Pokemon?

Cut can be used to remove cuttable plants, which are obstacles that block the player's way. Additionally, Cut can be used to cut tall grass around the player. In Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon with Hyper Cutter cut a larger area of tall grass.

Is cut good move?

Cut is a useful HM both for use inside and outside of Pokémon battles. Fans can use the powerful move to defeat enemies but also to chop down trees that may stand in their way within the video games.

Can Marill learn waterfall?

We do not need to risk any more PC trips, since we should be able to get through the game with Zigzagoon and Azumarill for our HM slaves. Lotid's Back Baby!