How Many Breakpoints Should You Have?

How many breakpoints should you have?

A breakpoint is the media query values that will mark the transition to a new class of devices. While there is no universal set of breakpoints or best practices, you should use at least 3 breakpoints for the most device flexibility (see illustration).

What are the best breakpoints?

The fewer breakpoints, the better. Two (768px and 1024px widths) or three (768px, 1024px, and 1200px widths) breakpoints is best. (Two breakpoints actually render three scenarios: 320px-768px, 768px-992px, and 1024px and above.

How do you choose breakpoints?

Pick major breakpoints by starting small, then working up # Design the content to fit on a small screen size first, then expand the screen until a breakpoint becomes necessary. This allows you to optimize breakpoints based on content and maintain the least number of breakpoints possible.

How do you find breakpoints?

To identify your breakpoints, you can reduce the window of your browser to around 300px (assuming your browser lets you go that far) and then slowly bring up the size of the window until things start to look like they need a touch up.

What are breakpoints in code?

In software development, a breakpoint is an intentional stopping or pausing place in a program, put in place for debugging purposes. It is also sometimes simply referred to as a pause. More generally, a breakpoint is a means of acquiring knowledge about a program during its execution.

Why do we use breakpoints?

Breakpoints are one of the most important debugging techniques in your developer's toolbox. You set breakpoints wherever you want to pause debugger execution. For example, you may want to see the state of code variables or look at the call stack at a certain breakpoint.

How do breakpoints work?

Software Breakpoint They work by patching the code you are trying to execute with an instruction that triggers a debug event in some fashion. This is accomplished by injecting a breakpoint instruction or when that is not supported by inserting an instruction that causes a fault that halts the core.

What debugging means?

Definition: Debugging is the process of detecting and removing of existing and potential errors (also called as 'bugs') in a software code that can cause it to behave unexpectedly or crash. ... Sometimes it takes more time to debug a program than to code it.

Is debugging safe?

Basically, leaving USB debugging enabled keeps the device exposed when it's plugged in over USB. Under most circumstances, this isn't a problem—if you're plugging the phone into your personal computer or you have the intention of using the debugging bridge, then it makes sense to leave it enabled all the time.

What are the 4 steps to debugging?

  1. Identify. Identify is the first step in the debugging, it means discover what is the bug and why it happen. ...
  2. Isolate. Isolate is a step to separate the buggy code with other healthy code; I usually make an Unit Test referencing that part of code and then reproduce the bug using that unit test; ...
  3. Fix. ...
  4. Review. ...
  5. Conclusion.

Why is it called debugging?

The terms "bug" and "debugging" are popularly attributed to Admiral Grace Hopper in the 1940s. While she was working on a Mark II computer at Harvard University, her associates discovered a moth stuck in a relay and thereby impeding operation, whereupon she remarked that they were "debugging" the system.

Why is debugging difficult?

Debugging itself is a very difficult process because of the involvement of humans. Another reason due to which it is considered as difficult because it consumes a large amount of time and resources too.

Is debug a virus?

The debug.exe miner is a dangerous virus that has taken this name, there are multiple copies of it that all take names of common services and programs. Many different hacking groups can use this name to name their malware, so the identification of such a file may not necessarily mean that the same virus is contacted.

How do I debug?

7 Steps to Debug Efficiently and Effectively

  1. 1) Always Reproduce the Bug Before You Start Changing Code.
  2. 2) Understand Stack Traces.
  3. 3) Write a Test Case that Reproduces the Bug.
  4. 4) Know Your Error Codes.
  5. 5) Google! Bing! Duck! Duck! Go!
  6. 6) Pair Program Your Way Out of It.
  7. 7) Celebrate Your Fix.

What are the types of debugging?

Debugging strategies

  • Incremental and bottom-up program development. ...
  • Instrument program to log information. ...
  • Instrument program with assertions. ...
  • Use debuggers. ...
  • Backtracking. ...
  • Binary search. ...
  • Problem simplification. ...
  • A scientific method: form hypotheses.

How do you debug a problem?

How to Debug Any Problem

  1. Step 1: Determine what is working. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine precisely what is not working. ...
  3. Step 3: Simplify the problem. ...
  4. Step 4: Generate hypotheses. ...
  5. Step 5: Test hypotheses using divide and conquer. ...
  6. Step 6: Think of other versions of this class of bug. ...
  7. Step 7: Generate anti-regression tests. ...
  8. Step 8: Fix the bug(s)

What are the tools used for debugging?

Mostly used Debugging Tools are GDB, DDD, and Eclipse.

  • GDB Tool: This type of tool is used in Unix programming. ...
  • DDD Tool: DDD means Data Display Debugger, which is used to run a Graphic User Interface (GUI) in Unix systems.

Why do we use debugger?

The debugger is a program that can run your program one line at a time. ... It shows you what is happening in your program at any moment in time, and allows you to "step by step" through the program. Proper use of the debugger is essential to finding semantic (logical) errors in how your program behaves.

What is the role of debugger?

A debugger is a computer program used by programmers to test and debug a target program. Debuggers may use instruction-set simulators, rather than running a program directly on the processor to achieve a higher level of control over its execution. ... They also can often modify the state of programs while they are running.

What is Debugging Tools for Windows?

WinDbg is a multipurpose debugger for the Microsoft Windows computer operating system, distributed by Microsoft. Debugging is the process of finding and resolving errors in a system; in computing it also includes exploring the internal operation of software as a help to development.

How do I install a WinDbg tool?


  1. Download Windbg at Download Debugging Tools for Windows - WinDbg - Windows drivers.
  2. Install windbg to the default location. ( ...
  3. Launch gflags.exe (Ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\gflags.exe)
  4. Select the Image File (tab)
  5. Enter the application name under the Image field (Ex: winword.exe)

How do I use WinDbg EXE?

Launch Notepad and attach WinDbg

  1. Navigate to your installation directory, and open WinDbg.exe.
  2. On the File menu, choose Open Executable. ...
  3. Near the bottom of the WinDbg window, in the command line, enter this command: ...
  4. To see the symbols for the Notepad.exe module, enter this command: ...
  5. To put a breakpoint at notepad!

Where is WinDbg EXE located?

C:\Program Files

How do I debug BSOD?

Steps in a nutshell

  1. Create and capture the memory dump associated with the BSOD you are trying to troubleshoot.
  2. Install and configure WinDBG and the Symbols path to the correct Symbols folder.
  3. Use WinDBG to Debug and analyze the screen dump, and then get to the root cause of the problem.

How do I debug an exe?

Just use File/Open Project/Solution, select EXE file and Open it. Then select Debug/Start debugging. The other option is to run the EXE first and then Select Debug/Attach to process.

How do I turn off WinDbg?

Exiting WinDbg You can exit WinDbg by choosing Exit from the File menu or by pressing ALT+F4. If you are performing user-mode debugging, these commands close the application that you are debugging, unless you used the -pd command-line option when you started the debugger.