Why Is Jdbc Used?

Why is Jdbc used?

The JDBC API was modeled after ODBC, but, because JDBC is a Java API, it offers a natural Java interface for working with SQL. JDBC is needed to provide a "pure Java" solution for application development.

What are JDBC 3 components?

JDBC Core Components

  • DriverManager. The DriverManager class keeps track of the available JDBC drivers and creates database connections for you. ...
  • Driver. The Driver interface is primarily responsible for creating database connections. ...
  • Connection. The Connection interface represents the core of the JDBC API. ...
  • Statement. ...
  • ResultSet.

What are the different types of JDBC drivers?

Today, there are five types of JDBC drivers in use:

  • Type 1: JDBC-ODBC bridge.
  • Type 2: partial Java driver.
  • Type 3: pure Java driver for database middleware.
  • Type 4: pure Java driver for direct-to-database.
  • Type 5: highly-functional drivers with superior performance.

What are the two major components of JDBC?

Two major components of JDBC are Connection Pooling and Data Sources.

What is the role of JDBC DriverManager class?

DriverManager is a static class in the Java™ 2 Plaform, Standard Edition (J2SE) and Java SE Development Kit (JDK). DriverManager manages the set of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers that are available for an application to use. Applications can use multiple JDBC drivers concurrently if necessary.

What is addBatch JDBC?

The method returns true if your JDBC driver supports this feature. The addBatch() method of Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement is used to add individual statements to the batch. The executeBatch() is used to start the execution of all the statements grouped together.

What is DriverManager class in Java?

The DriverManager class acts as an interface between user and drivers. It keeps track of the drivers that are available and handles establishing a connection between a database and the appropriate driver.

Which packages contain the JDBC classes?

The Java packages which contain JDBC classes and interfaces is Java. SQL.

What JDBC means?

JDBCTM is a JavaTM API for executing SQL statements. (As a point of interest, JDBC is a trademarked name and is not an acronym; nevertheless, JDBC is often thought of as standing for "Java Database Connectivity".) It consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the Java programming language.

What is in term of Jdbc a DataSource?

What is, in terms of JDBC, a DataSource? A. A DataSource is the basic service for managing a set of JDBC drivers. B. A DataSource is the Java representation of a physical data source.

Which method is static and synchronized in JDBC API?

The standard way to obtain a Connection object is to call the method DriverManager. getConnection() method that accepts a String contains the database connection URL. It is a static and synchronized method.

What is JDBC ODBC bridge in Java?

The JDBC-ODBC Bridge allows applications written in the Java programming language to use the JDBC API with many existing ODBC drivers. The Bridge is itself a driver based on JDBC technology ("JDBC driver") that is defined in the class sun. ... odbc.

Which one is not a JDBC interface?

ConnectionPool is not a class of JDBC API. JDBC API consists of following interfaces and classes: DriverManager, Driver, Connection, Statement, ResultSet, SQLException.

What is Savepoint in Java?

The representation of a savepoint, which is a point within the current transaction that can be referenced from the Connection. rollback method. When a transaction is rolled back to a savepoint all changes made after that savepoint are undone. Savepoints can be either named or unnamed.

What is rollback in Java?

JDBCJava 8Object Oriented ProgrammingProgramming. A rollback operation undoes all the changes done by the current transaction i.e. If you call a rollBack() method of the Connection interface, all the modifications are reverted until the last commit.Con.rollback()

What is JDBC transaction management?

Transaction Management in JDBC ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, isolation and durability. ... Isolation ensures that transaction is isolated from other transaction. Durability means once a transaction has been committed, it will remain so, even in the event of errors, power loss etc.

What is scrollable ResultSet how do you achieve it?

A scrollable ResultSet is one which allows us to retrieve the data in forward direction as well as backward direction but no updations are allowed. In order to make the non-scrollable ResultSet as scrollable ResultSet we must use the following createStatement() method which is present in Connection interface.

What is used to execute parameterized query?

PreparedStatement interface is used to execute parameterized query - JDBC. Q.

What is ResultSet object in Java?

A ResultSet is a Java object that contains the results of executing an SQL query. In other words, it contains the rows that satisfy the conditions of the query. The data stored in a ResultSet object is retrieved through a set of get methods that allows access to the various columns of the current row.

What is the default type of ResultSet in JDBC applications?


What are the different types of ResultSet in Java?

There are 3 basic types of ResultSet.

  • Forward-only. As name suggest, this type can only move forward and are non-scrollable.
  • Scroll-insensitive. This type is scrollable which means the cursor can move in any direction. ...
  • Scroll-sensitive. ...
  • Forward-only. ...
  • Scroll-insensitive. ...
  • Scroll-sensitive.

What are the basic steps to create a JDBC application?

Fundamental Steps in JDBC

  • Import JDBC packages.
  • Load and register the JDBC driver.
  • Open a connection to the database.
  • Create a statement object to perform a query.
  • Execute the statement object and return a query resultset.
  • Process the resultset.
  • Close the resultset and statement objects.
  • Close the connection.

What is the ResultSet in JDBC?

ResultSet interface represents the result set of a database query. ... A ResultSet object maintains a cursor that points to the current row in the result set. The term "result set" refers to the row and column data contained in a ResultSet object.

Can we return ResultSet in Java?

To return result sets from a Java method Ensure that the Java method is declared as public and static in a public class. For each result set you expect the method to return, ensure that the method has a parameter of type java. sql. ... ResultSet and then assign it to one of the ResultSet[] parameters.

What is getString in Java?

For instance, if it is used to retrieve a numeric type, getString converts the numeric value to a Java String object, and the value has to be converted back to a numeric type before it can be operated on as a number.

How do you do CRUD operations in Java?

Step by Step: Making a Simple CRUD Application Using Java Servlet/JSP

  1. What is CRUD? ...
  2. Create Application with CRUD Implementation. ...
  3. Create Database. ...
  4. Create Project with Maven. ...
  5. Writing Model Class. ...
  6. Writing DAO Class. ...
  7. Create View/Form file. ...
  8. CSS File.