Why Was Varys Killed?

Why was Varys killed?

Varys, of course, was executed shortly after that for committing treason against Daenerys by supporting Jon's claim to the Iron Throne and trying to poison her. ... The right ruler on the Iron Throne.

Why is Varys a eunuch?

The man who bought Varys was a Sorcerer. The Sorcerer gave Varys a paralysis poison that made him unable to move, but he was still aware of everything that was going on around him. ... The Sorcerer cut Varys from “root to stem” as he puts it, leaving him a eunuch.

Why did Varys take off his rings?

Varys Knew He Was Going to Die When Varys heard a door open and the footsteps of soldiers approaching, that was the sign that his time had come to an end, so he decided to burn the letter he was writing to destroy the evidence of his plan and then prepare himself for death by removing his finery.

Was Varys good or bad?

King's Landing never had a better lord of whisperers than Lord Varys, portrayed by Conleth Hill. His network of little birds made him an invaluable asset in the Game of Thrones. ... Before fleeing to Mereen to serve Daenerys, Varys was one of the most dangerous men in Westeros, just like Baelish and Cersei.

What did Varys whisper to Daenerys?

Daenerys decides this is fair – but it is also fair that when she is queen, she will view the North as being in open rebellion. Before she can make any other threats, Varys rushes in and whispers in her ear. Daenerys promises she will have food and baths prepared for her guests.

Who kills Cersei?

Jaime Many fans believed that Jaime would be the one to take Cersei out, whether it was a mercy killing or simply a way to end the madness that surrounded her chaotic reign and their doomed relationship. However it was ultimately the castle collapsing around them that killed them both.

Did Varys want to poison Daenerys?

ICYMI, Varys totally tried to poison Dany at the beginning of the episode. ... Varys's attempt to poison Daenerys makes his execution pretty justifiable—she had promised in Season Seven to burn him to death if he attempted to betray her, after all.

Why does Varys cover his hands?

When you love somone, you play with your hair, etc. So, Varys hides his hands to also conceal his real intentions. Or, he is just making sure his daggers are easy to reach.

Is varys a bad guy?

Lord Varys, also known as "the Spider", is a major anti-villain from the A Song Of Ice And Fire novels and the Game Of Thrones TV series. He is the enigmatic member of the small council and Master of Whisperers, the spymaster for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms.

Why did Varys not scream?

Arya could make a poison that gave her victim a heart attack in one hour, or in one minute. Varys was dead before Drogon fried him, or so high he didn't feel a thing. Therefore no scream.

How does Lord Varys pee?

When the wound finally heals, the hole remains and whenever they need to urinate, they put a straw (usually wooden) into the hole and urinate through it. They might even squat down to urinate if a straw is not available so that they don't soil their clothes.

How did Varys poison Dany?

Fans believe that the girl was so nervous because Varys was trying to get her to poison Dany's food. ... We now know that Little Finger killed Jon Arryn, but in the same season, Varys tried to use poisoned wine to kill Daenerys under the orders of Robert Baratheon.

What did Varys say about Daenerys?

Not with any king or queen, but with the people,” Varys told Dany. "Swear this to me, Varys. If you ever think I'm failing the people, you won't conspire behind my back. You'll look me in the eye as you have done today and you'll tell me how I'm failing them,” Dany asked him to swear.

Why is Game of Thrones ending hated?

Many people hated the 'Game of Thrones' series finale. That's because it's kind of like a breakup, experts say. "People simply have not developed separate ways of thinking about relationships that are imaginary rather than real,” one communications professor found.