What Does Mean In Text?

What does 📉 mean in text?

What does 📉 mean? 📉 means “my respect went down” based on what happened in the conversation.

What does this emoji mean 📉?

📉 This is a downward trend chart. ... It can also mean a general decline or chart. The meaning of emoji symbol 📉 is chart decreasing, it is related to chart, down, graph, trend, it can be found in emoji category: "⌚ Objects" - "✂️ office".

Are Emojis ideographic?

Emojis are ideographic; meaning that they represent ideas or concepts that are independent of a specific human language.

Is there an emoji for lonely?

What does Face Without Mouth emoji mean? The face without mouth emoji can be used as an emotional-tone marker to indicate sadness, loneliness, disappointment, emptiness, and genuine self-deprecation. It can also be used more literally as speechlessness or to represent zipping one's lips.

What emoji means down?

👇 Meaning – Backhand Index Pointing Down Emoji This icon implores the reader to “look” at the incoming text below it, largely used for dramatic purposes. It could also mean not feeling good, spirits are low, or used in response to symbolically imply the word ”low” or “down”. It's mostly used in a negative context.

What does 😈 mean from a girl?

This Smiling Face With Horns emoji 😈 means trouble, especially in the form of devil characters, bad boys and girls, general mischief, and sexual innuendo. This emoji is typically portrayed as a purple face with the same furrowed brows as the Angry Face emoji 😠—but with an impish smile and two horns.

What does 💯 mean from a girl?

💯 100 emoji It also generally means "absolutely” or "keep it 100" (keep it real).

How do you type ͡ ͜ʖ ͡?

How to Type Lenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) faces?
  1. Press (Shift+9) (
  2. Press Spacebar …
  3. Press (ALT+ 865) ͡
  4. Press (ALT+ 248) °
  5. Press Spacebar …
  6. Press (ALT+ 860) ͜
  7. Press (ALT+ 662) ʖ
  8. Press Spacebar …

What does 😌 mean from a girl?

Meaning of 😌 Relieved Face Emoji Relieved Face emoji is a pleased-looking smiley with closed 👀 Eyes and a slight smile, which is supposed to convey the feeling of relief.

What does 😏 mean?

🔤 Meaning. As its official name reveals, 😏 Smirking Face represents the facial expression of a smirk. It's used to communicate a range of feelings, including smugness, self-confidence, self-indulgence, mischief, cheeky humor, and general satisfaction.

What is the meaning 💪?

💪 Flexed Biceps emoji The brawny arm of the flexed biceps emoji is used to represent all sorts of strength and power, from physical might to mental determination. The emoji especially marks posts online dealing with exercise and fitness. Related words: ... ox emoji.

What does it mean when someone uses ✨?

It's also the versatile sparkles emoji, ✨. This emoji can stand for actual stars in the sky, show excitement and admiration, express love and congratulations, or suggest forms of magic and cleanliness. It can also represent other, more literal sparkling things, such as jewelry, glitter, and fireworks.

What does butterfly mean on Instagram?

What does the 🦋 Butterfly emoji mean? The butterfly emoji represents the butterfly, as well as the symbolism associated with it: positive transformations, hope during a dark time, and new beginnings.

How do you make a kiss emoji?

Step 1
  1. :-* insert a hyphen in the middle to resemble a nose.
  2. ;* ...
  3. :-^ replace the asterisk with a circumflex -- or Shift-6 -- to make a puckered mouth with a side-profile.
  4. *-: tilt the face the other way.
  5. *-8 put on a pair of shades.
  6. *-:=3 give the emoji a chef's hat when it's time to kiss the cook.

How do you type the ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ face on Chromebook?

How to Type Lenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) faces?
  1. Press (Shift+9) (
  2. Press Spacebar …
  3. Press (ALT+ 865) ͡
  4. Press (ALT+ 248) °
  5. Press Spacebar …
  6. Press (ALT+ 860) ͜
  7. Press (ALT+ 662) ʖ
  8. Press Spacebar …