What Is The Official Website For Jehovah&039;s Witnesses?

What is the official website for Jehovah's Witnesses?

jw.org Jehovah's Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.

Do Jehovah Witnesses believe God?

What do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe? Witnesses believe in one God, not the Trinity. Like most Christians, they believe that Jesus Christ died for humankind's sins, however they do not believe that he was physically resurrected after his crucifixion. ... Witnesses believe in Heaven, but do not believe in Hell.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses the true religion?

Although many of their eschatological teachings have changed over the years, Jehovah's Witnesses have consistently claimed to be the only true religion.

What can Jehovah Witnesses not do list?

Jehovah's Witnesses do not observe holidays they believe to have pagan origins, such as Christmas, Easter, and birthdays. They do not salute the national flag or sing the national anthem, and they refuse military service. They also refuse blood transfusions, even those that could be life saving.

Can Jehovah Witnesses be friends with non Jehovah's Witnesses?

No. Strictly speaking, there is no rule or command that forbids Jehovah's Witnesses to have non-Witness friends. However, having close relationships with 'worldly people' (as all non-Witnesses are called) is very strongly discouraged. Being friends with non-JW is equated with disobeying God.

Can Jehovah Witness use birth control?

Jehovah's Witnesses Nowhere does the Bible explicitly condemn birth control. In this matter, the principle outlined at Romans 14:12 applies: "Each of us will render an account for himself to God." Married couples, therefore, are free to decide for themselves whether they will raise a family or not.

Can Jehovah Witnesses be friends with non?

They limit contact with non-Jehovah's Witnesses Followers are discouraged from having close relationships with those who are not part of the faith. ... JWs are advised not to join groups or teams outside the faith and are also discouraged from higher education.

Why do Jehovah Witnesses think Jesus is an angel?

Jesus Christ Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Archangel Michael, "the Word" of John 1:1, and wisdom personified in Proverbs 8 refer to Jesus in his pre-human existence and that he resumed these identities after his ascension to heaven following his death and resurrection.

What is the difference between God and Jehovah?

Jehovah is God's name (the name means the same no matter how its spelt ), Lord is the title, many use in reference to God. Jehovah is God's formal name. Lord is just a title or a substitution for where Jehovah's name was originally used.

How many Jehovah's Witnesses are disfellowshipped yearly?

70,000 Jehovah's Witnesses An estimated 70,000 Jehovah's Witnesses are disfellowshipped every year — roughly 1% of the church's total population, according to data published by the Watchtower. Their names are published at local Kingdom Halls. Of those, two-thirds never return.

Can Jehovah Witnesses divorce?

Jehovah's Witnesses adhere to the Bible's view of marriage and divorce. Monogamy between one man and one woman and sex only within marriage are requirements in the Witness religion. But Witnesses do permit divorce in certain cases, believing that the only valid ground for divorce and remarriage is adultery.

Can Jehovah Witnesses lie?

Since the 1950s, the Witnesses have preached a doctrine allowing Jehovah's followers to deceive anyone outside of the religion if doing so protects the organization. They call it “theocratic warfare.” ... The religion teaches that the world outside the organization is controlled by Satan.

Can Jehovah Witnesses be doctors?

Jehovah's Witnesses accept medial and surgical treatment. They do not adhere to so-called “faith healing” and are not opposed to the practice of medicine.

Can Jehovah Witnesses be friends with non Jehovah Witnesses?

They limit contact with non-Jehovah's Witnesses Followers are discouraged from having close relationships with those who are not part of the faith.

Which churches do not believe in the Trinity?

9 Faith Groups That Reject the Trinity
  • 9 Non-trinitarian Faiths. Trinity Knot or Triquetra Symbol. ...
  • Mormonism - Latter-day Saints. Founded By: Joseph Smith, Jr., 1830. ...
  • Jehovah's Witnesses. Founded By: Charles Taze Russell, 1879. ...
  • Christian Science. ...
  • Armstrongism. ...
  • Christadelphians. ...
  • Oneness Pentecostals. ...
  • Unification Church.

What is the real name of Jesus?

Yeshua Jesus' name in Hebrew was “Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua.