What Does Sweet Dream Mean?

What does sweet dream mean?

used to express good wishes for pleasant dreams when someone is going to sleep "Good night and sweet dreams."

What is another word for sweet dreams?

Synonyms for Sweet dreams
  • sleep tight.
  • sleep well.
  • goodnight. int.
  • have a good sleep.
  • good night.
  • nighty night.
  • night night.
  • night-night.

Is Eurythmics a boy or girl?

Ann Lennox OBE (born 25 December 1954) is a Scottish singer-songwriter, political activist and philanthropist. After achieving moderate success in the late 1970s as part of the new wave band the Tourists, she and fellow musician Dave Stewart went on to achieve international success in the 1980s as Eurythmics.

Did Marilyn Manson wrote Sweet dreams?

Annie Lennox Dave Stewart Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)/Composers

What does Sweet dreams mean from a guy?

The expression “sweet dreams” is a very romantic gesture coming from a guy. This is a very sweet way of telling you how much he cares for you. Relish the moment. He's getting you ready to be asked out on a date and he's being very charming about it too. This guy is the romantic type.

Can a girl say sweet dreams to a guy?

It's both appropriate and kind to say "sweet dreams" at the end of the night. You wish your partner goodnight, good sleep, and pleasant dreams, conveying that you are thinking about their wellbeing. ... "Sweet dreams" is a good night text for her or him.

Can u tell a guy sweet dreams?

You can say “Sweet dreams”, “Night my love”, “Good night darling”, “Good night sweetheart”. ... Men love getting romantic messages, but they don't always feel comfortable expressing that desire. Don't worry too much about sending the right message.

What was Eurythmics first number one?

Eurythmics scored just the one UK Official Singles Chart Number 1, with the 1985 song There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart), and three UK Official Album Chart Number 1s including 1983's Touch, 1989's We Too Are One and the 1991 Greatest Hits compilation.

Are the Eurythmics a one hit wonder?

Striking And Soulful With the release of their second album, Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This), Eurythmics caught the attention of the popular music world. ... That mix would go a long way in Eurythmics being more than a one-hit wonder in the '80s.

Is Sweet Dreams a cover?

Marilyn Manson released a cover version as the first single from Smells Like Children (1995), an EP of covers, remixes and interludes....Marilyn Manson cover.15 more rows

Who sings Sweet Dreams or a beautiful nightmare?

Beyoncé Sweet Dreams/Artists

Is texting Sweet Dreams flirty?

It's just a bit flirty and it shows that you're longing for your partner romantically. ... Another idea is to tell your partner "sweet dreams." It's a tried and true good night text that is sure to make your partner smile.

Can I say sweet dreams to a guy?

It's both appropriate and kind to say "sweet dreams" at the end of the night. You wish your partner goodnight, good sleep, and pleasant dreams, conveying that you are thinking about their wellbeing. ... "Sweet dreams" is a good night text for her or him.

Is it OK to say sweet dreams?

It's both appropriate and kind to say "sweet dreams" at the end of the night. You wish your partner goodnight, good sleep, and pleasant dreams, conveying that you are thinking about their wellbeing. Wishing someone "sweet dreams" is a good night text that you can use right from the beginning.

Is texting Sweet dreams flirty?

It's just a bit flirty and it shows that you're longing for your partner romantically. ... Another idea is to tell your partner "sweet dreams." It's a tried and true good night text that is sure to make your partner smile.

What is a stronger word than I love you?

Cherish – I cherish my time with you. This is stronger than the word 'love' in that it shows just how much you value spending time with them.

How do you say I love you in a cute way of texting?

I Love You Text Messages
  1. I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you! ...
  2. I wish I was there with you! ...
  3. Missing you lots and looking forward to seeing you soon!
  4. Just another reminder of how much I love you! ...
  5. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, and I'm counting the days/hours until I can see you again!

Are Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart still friends?

They all stayed friends. The book recounts lots of other wild stories – like the time John Belushi offered Stewart and Lennox heroin by laying it out on the top of a car in broad daylight on Sunset Boulevard.

What is the number 1 one hit wonder of all time?

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