How Much Episodes Does Pokemon Have In Total?

How much episodes does Pokemon have in total?

The Pokémon anime, often referred to as just "the anime" by Pokémon fans, is a collective term referring to currently 1,163 main series episodes, 23 movies, and a number of side stories, all focusing on Pokémon.

How many episodes of Pokemon are there 2021?

1,158 episodes Pokémon is a Japanese animated television series based on the successful Pokémon video game series. The Pokémon anime series debuted in Japan on Ap, with 1,158 episodes as of 2021.

How many episodes are there in Pokemon all seasons?

In terms of seasons, all 55 episodes from "Pokémon - I Choose You!" to "The Breeding Center Secret" (excluding "Princess vs. Princess" and "The Purr-fect Hero") are the entirety of Season 1 and the rest of the episodes ("Princess vs.

Does Pokemon TV have all episodes?

Pokémon TV gives fans access to hundreds of episodes of the Pokémon anime series across all of its different iterations, including a few full seasons. Pokémon TV also includes access to animated specials, video game tournaments and competitions, and trading card content.

What is the longest running anime?

Sazae-san Sazae-san (still ongoing) holds the Guinness World Record for the longest running animated television series at more than 7071 episodes. For a list of runner-ups, check this list. The longest series is 'Sazae-san'. It has 2255+7071+ episodes.

Is Pokemon the longest anime?

Pokémon - 1148 episodes The title is an abbreviation from an English translation of the original title, “Pocket Monsters.” Pokémon is one of the longest-running anime series that you'll frequently find in other lists like “top anime shows” or “best anime series.”

Who is Ash's dad?

Ash Ketchum's father is the unnamed father of Ash Ketchum from the Pokémon Anime series and husband to Delia Ketchum.

Is there a mew 3 Pokémon?

Mewthree is a Pokémon which has never appeared in any game or anime episode, though it has had one appearance in the overall Pokémon franchise.

Will Pokemon ever end?

Pokemon will never end. Even if the series ends,their are still people on that planet so life will continue on the Pokemon world.It doesnt matter if the tv series end,life continues. That goes out to all anime too,just cause a story ends doesnt mean thats it.

Will Pokemon anime ever end?

And even after 20+ years, Pokemon still hasn't brought its anime to an end as it has well over 1,000 episodes now. Shudo's finale may not be possible any longer, but his dark end for the show will live on forever thanks to his blog.

Why does Netflix only have 52 episodes of Pokemon?

History. The anime has been available in the United States on Netflix since Ma. When Indigo League first became available for streaming, Netflix only got the first 52 episodes as they were aired in the US first season order. ... Netflix later removed season 2.

Is Disney going to buy Pokemon?

Disney never bought the rights to the Pokémon franchise, which is still owned by The Pokémon Company. ... The video games and the anime (including the connected films) are the most popular brands today, although the franchise has expanded to even live-action movies like Pokémon Detective Pikachu.

What is the shortest anime in the world?

As far as I'm aware, FLCL is the shortest with 6 episodes each around 20 minutes, summing up to a good 2 hours.

What's the most successful anime?

Highest-grossing anime films worldwide46 more rows

What is the longest anime name?

One of the most famous anime we all know, has an unbelievably long title: Kochikame. Originally known as: Kochira katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae hashutsujo.

Who is Ash's girlfriend?

Serena Serena (Pokemon) Serena is a Pokemon trainer who has a crush on Ash Ketchum . She briefly met him at Professor Oak's Summer Camp in Pallet Town years ago. Serena is a traveling companion of Ash Ketchum, Clemont, and Bonnie.

Who's more powerful Mew or Mewtwo?

Mewtwo is confirmed to be more powerful than Mew. ... It's safe to say that Mewtwo is no longer the strongest Pokémon, but still high up on the list. Despite the power of Mewtwo, there are other Pokémon who are much more powerful. We're simply positing who would win in a one-on-one battle between Mewtwo and another 'Mon.

Who is Mewthree?

Mewthree is a Pokémon which has never appeared in any game or anime episode, though it has had one appearance in the overall Pokémon franchise. It is the second clone of Mew. It is technically not a real Pokémon, as it is just a transformed form of Red's Clefairy.

Will Ash Meet Serena again?

After meeting up Clemont, Bonnie and all their Pokémon, Serena later met up with Ash again when he returned from preparing his gift. ... To make her day even better, Serena was given a present from none other than Ash himself as his way of saying thanks for helping him find a gift for his Pokémon.