How Old Was Edward In Twilight In Real Life?

How old was Edward in Twilight in real life? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

How old was Edward in Twilight in real life?

seventeen- Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on J.

What is Edward's full name in Twilight?

Edward Anthony Masen Edward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen) is Bella's primary love interest. As stated in the first and second novels, he was born on J, in Chicago, Illinois, and was frozen in his 17-year-old body while dying of the Spanish influenza, when he was changed into a vampire by Dr.

Who was Edward Cullen based on?

He retains some of the traditional mindset and outdated speech from his human life in the early 20th century. The development of Edward Cullen's character was influenced by Gilbert Blythe, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and Edward Rochester―particularly the latter, who, like him, sees himself as a "monster".

How did Edward get Bella pregnant?

Bella gets pregnant with Edward's child during their honey moon on Isle Esme. Her pregnancy is killing her because the child is half human, half vampire, and it's diet is very much like it's father's. It needs blood to survive, not baby food or human food.

Why did Bella smell bad to Edward?

During biology class, Edward reacted with disgust towards her, as if she was nauseating to him, and it was later revealed this was because the scent of her blood was irresistible to him, and he was struggling to remain calm and not hurt her.

How did the Cullens get so rich?

Carlisle Cullen earned his wealth through compound interest and several shrewd long-term investments with significant help from Alice, whose precognitive abilities allowed the family to predict changes in the stock market and invest accordingly.

Why is it painful for Edward to kiss Bella?

He "talks" her into it by kissing her, which is a dangerous thing, as he is a vampire and part of him wants to kill her. ... Instead of her standing still and letting him kiss her within his control, the kiss became very passionate and dangerous. If Edward loses his control at any time, Bella could die.

Who is the richest Cullen?

Carlisle Cullen No— according to Forbes, which has been ranking the 15 richest fictional characters each year since 2006, the current character with the most money to burn is Twilight's Carlisle Cullen, with a fortune of $34.1 billion.

Are Cullens rich?

In Twilight, the Cullens are insanely rich, owning multiple luxury cars and homes, but exactly how much money do they have and how did they get it?