Complete a história com os verbos indicados e depois traduza: Grandma (to be) _____ ninety years old when she (to win) _________ two million dollars on the lottery. Our family was extremely worried about her heart and nobody (to want) ________ to tell her the news. “I think we can call in Dr. Jones to tell her the news”, suggested my father.
        The doctor soon (to arrive) __________ and we (to explain) __________  the situation to him. “You don’t have to worry about anything”, said Dr. Jones. The doctor (to go) _________ in to see the old lady and gradually started the conversation about the money. “Tell me: What would you do if you won a fortune on the lottery – say two million dollars?” “I would give half of it to you, naturally”, answered grandma. The doctor (to fall) _________ down dead with shock.

Complete a história com os verbos indicados e depois traduza: Grandma (to be) _____ ninety years old when she (to win) _________ two million dollars on the lottery. Our family was extremely worried about her heart and nobody (to want) ________ to tell her the news. “I think we can call in Dr. Jones to tell her the news”, suggested my father.
        The doctor soon (to arrive) __________ and we (to explain) __________  the situation to him. “You don’t have to worry about anything”, said Dr. Jones. The doctor (to go) _________ in to see the old lady and gradually started the conversation about the money. “Tell me: What would you do if you won a fortune on the lottery – say two million dollars?” “I would give half of it to you, naturally”, answered grandma. The doctor (to fall) _________ down dead with shock. Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Complete a história com os verbos indicados e depois traduza: Grandma (to be) _____ ninety years old when she (to win) _________ two million dollars on the lottery. Our family was extremely worried about her heart and nobody (to want) ________ to tell her the news. “I think we can call in Dr. Jones to tell her the news”, suggested my father.
        The doctor soon (to arrive) __________ and we (to explain) __________  the situation to him. “You don’t have to worry about anything”, said Dr. Jones. The doctor (to go) _________ in to see the old lady and gradually started the conversation about the money. “Tell me: What would you do if you won a fortune on the lottery – say two million dollars?” “I would give half of it to you, naturally”, answered grandma. The doctor (to fall) _________ down dead with shock.

Was / won / wanted.  arrived / explained / went / fell.