What Is The Disadvantage Of Using InnerHTML In JavaScript?

What is the disadvantage of using innerHTML in JavaScript?

There is no append support without reparsing the whole innerHTML. This makes changing innerHTML directly very slow. innerHTML does not provide validation and therefore we can potentially insert valid and broken HTML in the document and break it.

What can be used instead of innerHTML?

The better way of doing it is to use document. createTextNode . One of the main reasons for using this function instead of innerHTML is that all HTML character escaping will be taken care of for you whereas you would have to escape your string yourself if you were simply setting innerHTML .

What is the difference between innerText and innerHTML?

innerText and innerHTML are the properties of JavaScript....Differene between innerText and innerHTML.

Which attribute do you use to replace inner HTML in the browser DOM?


Is innerText safe?

Usually Safe Methods One example of an attribute which is thought to be safe is innerText . Some papers or guides advocate its use as an alternative to innerHTML to mitigate against XSS in innerHTML . However, depending on the tag which innerText is applied, code can be executed.

How does DOM XSS work?

DOM Based XSS (or as it is called in some texts, “type-0 XSS”) is an XSS attack wherein the attack payload is executed as a result of modifying the DOM “environment” in the victim's browser used by the original client side script, so that the client side code runs in an “unexpected” manner.

What is a script attack?

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted websites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user.

What is the difference between textContent and innerText?

textContent gets the content of all elements, including and elements. In contrast, innerText only shows “human-readable” elements. textContent returns every element in the node. In contrast, innerText is aware of styling and won't return the text of “hidden” elements.

What is HTML innerText?

The innerText property of the HTMLElement interface represents the "rendered" text content of a node and its descendants. As a getter, it approximates the text the user would get if they highlighted the contents of the element with the cursor and then copied it to the clipboard.

What is innerHTML and outerHTML?

innerHTML is a property of a DOM element that represents the HTML inside the element, i.e. between the opening and closing tags. ... outerHTML is similar to innerHTML, it is an element property that includes the opening an closing tags as well as the content.

What is textContent in JS?

Definition and Usage. The textContent property sets or returns the text content of the specified node, and all its descendants. If you set the textContent property, any child nodes are removed and replaced by a single Text node containing the specified string.

How do I get the innerHTML value?

Firstly, to get the innerHTML value of any tag, you either need that tag to have its 'id' property or 'name' property set. Then you can respectively use the 'document. getElementById(yourTagIdValue). innerHTML' or 'document.

Is JavaScript case sensitive?

JavaScript is Case Sensitive All JavaScript identifiers are case sensitive. JavaScript does not interpret VAR or Var as the keyword var.

What is appendChild in JavaScript?

appendChild() The Node. appendChild() method adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node. ... This means that a node can't be in two points of the document simultaneously. So if the node already has a parent, the node is first removed, then appended at the new position.

What does .append do in JavaScript?

Introduction to JavaScript append() method The append() method will insert DOMString objects as Text nodes. Note that a DOMString is a UTF-16 string that maps directly to a string. The append() method has no return value. It means that the append() method implicitly returns undefined .

What does classList do in JavaScript?

The classList property returns the class name(s) of an element, as a DOMTokenList object. This property is useful to add, remove and toggle CSS classes on an element. The classList property is read-only, however, you can modify it by using the add() and remove() methods.

What is the difference between append and appendChild?

append() allows you to also append DOMString objects, whereas Node. appendChild() only accepts Node objects. ... append() can append several nodes and strings, whereas Node. appendChild() can only append one node.

How do you append more than one child?

append() The append method allows you to append multiple elements or text nodes to a parent node. As you can see, you can supply an unlimited amount of arguments to the append() method and it will append everything to the parent. The rest of the methods in this article work in a similar way.

How do you add a body to HTML?

The right way to append HTML to the body using JavaScript. createElement("div"); //Set its unique ID. myDiv.id = 'div_id'; //Add your content to the DIV myDiv. innerHTML = "Hello World! "; //Finally, append the element to the HTML body document.

What is node in JavaScript?

Node. js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Node. js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Is node js a backend?

js is an environment for frontend or backend. Node. js developed as a server-side runtime environment can be used extensively in the frontend as well.

What is difference between JavaScript and NodeJS?

Javascript is a programming language that is used for writing scripts on the website. NodeJS is a Javascript runtime environment. ... Javascript can only be run in the browsers. NodeJS code can be run outside the browser.

Is node js a framework?

js is actually not a framework or a library, but a runtime environment, based on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

Why is node js better than PHP?

When to use Node. This makes it easier to have the same language (Javascript) across your whole stack. ... js is much faster than PHP when it comes to execution speed, if speed is what you require for your application, such as a browser based multiplayer game or a chat application, Node. js is a great choice than PHP.

Is node js better than Python?

Node. ... Node is better for web applications and website development whereas Python is best suitable for back-end applications, numerical computations and machine learning. Nodejs utilize javascript interpreter whereas Python uses PyPy as an interpreter.

Who uses node JS?

Of the companies that use Node. js, Uber was one of the first to use the framework to its fullest extent by building the bulk of the Uber platform in Node. js. There are three main reasons why Uber chose Node.