Is Gotenks Stronger Than Goku?

Is Gotenks stronger than Goku? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is Gotenks stronger than Goku?

He states that in terms of power SSJ3 Goku is more powerful than SSJ Gotenks but not SSJ3 Gotenks which makes sense as Ultimate Gohan is considered more powerful than SSJ Gotenks who is considered just slightly more powerful than SSJ3 Goku in the Buu Saga by not by the last episode which concludes with Goku as the best ...

Is Gotenks related to Goku?

Background. Goten as a baby, with his mother, brother, and grandfather watching him sleep in a crib Goten is the second son of Chi-Chi and Goku, and younger brother to Gohan. He is born in late Age 767, roughly nine months after the defeat of Cell in the Cell Games Saga.

Do we ever see adult gotenks?

Thanks to Dragon Ball Heroes, an adult version of Gotenks finally exists in the form of Xeno Gotenks. He also comes armed with a sword.

Is Gotenks more Goten or Trunks?

Neither. They're their own distinct being, with no real measure of either of them within him. The arrogance is, from what all that's been shown, a natural byproduct of fusing with another person, and isn't an indication that the fusion takes after Trunks more than Goten.

Why is there no future Goten?

Goten was not in Future Trunks' Future because in that future, Goku died of the Heart Virus before Goten was conceived. Yep just what that guy ^ there said. While your statements are correct Goku was dead already when Goten was born. Goku died after being blown up by Cell before Goten was born.