What Is Interesante Plural?

What is interesante plural?

There are two basic rules to follow to form the plural of adjectives in Spanish: Add –s to singular adjectives ending in a vowel. For example, alto (tall) becomes altos, and interesante (interesting) becomes interesantes.

What does interesante mean?

adjective. /intere'sːante/ interesting , fascinating , intriguing.

How do you pronounce interesante?

0:000:07Spanish Pronunciation - How to pronounce 'Interesante' - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipInteresante interesante interesante.MoreInteresante interesante interesante.

What is the feminine form of interesante?


Is Difícil masculine or feminine?

What is the plural of facil?

fácil m or f (plural fáciles)

Does Serio mean serious?

Serious problems or situations are very bad and cause people to be worried or afraid.

Is personas masculine or feminine?

However, the word persona is always a feminine word. The gender of the word does not change even when the person it refers to is masculine. For example, to say, 'My brother is an interesting person' in Spanish, you would say Mi hermano es una persona interesante.

Is Optimiste masculine or feminine?

optimiste4 more rows

What is difficult in Spanish feminine?

difícil. More Spanish words for difficult. difícil adjective. hard, tough, tricky, awkward, complicated.

What is the adjective of dificil?

British English: difficult /ˈdɪfɪklt/ ADJECTIVE. If something is difficult, it is not easy to do or to understand. The homework was too difficult for us. American English: difficult /ˈdɪfɪkʌlt, -kəlt/

What is the plural of Trabajador?

trabajador m (plural trabajadores, feminine trabajadora, feminine plural trabajadoras)

Is Facil masculine or feminine French?

facile4 more rows

What is the meaning of social Able?

1 : inclined by nature to companionship with others of the same species : social. 2a : inclined to seek or enjoy companionship. b : marked by or conducive to friendliness or pleasant social relations.

Are you serious Spanish slang?

¿En serio? [ex.] are you serious?

Why is Spanish gendered?

Spanish is a Romance language derived from Latin (through Vulgar Latin) which had the gender distinction for all nouns. And thus the gender distinction rule persists in Spanish. I believe it helps in rearranging the order of sentences and constructing complex sentences without confusion.

What does feminine mean in Spanish?

You may already know that every noun in Spanish is either masculine or feminine. This gender is demonstrated by using the Spanish articles el (masculine) or la (feminine). ... Most nouns that end in –o are masculine and most that end in –a are feminine.

Is sportive masculine or feminine?


What is the feminine of bavard in French?

[ masculine ] noun. (also bavarde [ feminine ]) talkative person.

Is El Agua masculine or feminine?

Agua is feminine, however, because of this pronunciation issue with the two vowels side-by-side, it's actually 'el agua'. Since it is truly feminine, the phrase 'el agua pura' is correct. Pura needs to be in the feminine form because agua is feminine, but you'll use to masculine article el to break the double vowels.