Is Gastrodon A Good Pokemon?

Is Gastrodon a good Pokemon?

Gastrodon has always been a good Pokemon in doubles. With a fantastic ability in Storm Drain that can protect any water-weak teammate from single-target water attacks, good bulk, and reliable recovery, the sea slug is a good choice to fit on a team.

Does Gastrodon evolve?

Gastrodon (Japanese: トリトドン Tritodon) is a dual-type Water/Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It evolves from Shellos starting at level 30.

Is Gastrodon a heavy Pokemon?

Gastrodon is a Water/Ground type Pokémon introduced in Generation 4 ....Pokédex data.2 more rows

Which is better Gastrodon or Quagsire?

They are pretty similar in stats, except Quagsire is more physical, and Gastrodon is more special. With Gastrodon having beefier stats than Quagsire, meaning it has more Hp and better stats in general.

Which is better Floatzel or Gastrodon?

Use Floatzel if you need a fast Pokemon to deal a lot of damage, and use Gastrodon if you need a bulkier Pokemon on your team to take hits.

What is Gastrodon weakness?

Grass Gastrodon/Weakness

What evolves into lapras?

Lapras is a Water, Ice-type Pokémon from the Kanto region. It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

What is the best water ground Pokemon?

The best water/ground type?
  • Quagsire. 21.9%
  • Swampert. 54.8%
  • Whiscash. 2.7%
  • Gastrodon. 16.4%
  • Seismitoad. 4.2%
13 May 2015

Is Gastrodon better than Seismitoad?

Gastrodon is the most generically useful, Seismitoad is good if you want a physical attacker or rain sweeper, and Quagsire is good if you want to utilize unaware and possible Curse along with Recover.

What is the weakness of lapras?

Fighting GrassElectricRock Lapras/Weakness

Is gyarados better than Gastrodon?

Gyarados vs Gastrodon - Gastrodon maybe good but Gyarados is much better, Gastrodon has done well to make it this far and deserves its place but Gyarados i a massive contender.

Is Floatzel good in game?

Explanation. Floatzel stands out in NU as one of the fastest Pokemon. It can outspeed many threatening Pokemon, such as Tauros and Archeops. It's typing also has a great match-up against many leads, making it suitable for being an anti-lead.

Who is better Swampert or Seismitoad?

Swampert is the best out of the three. Although, If you are playing gen V, then seismitoad is easiest to come by, and actually has a pretty decent move-pool, plus your choice of poison touch or swift swim, 2 decent abilities.

Who is the best water ground Pokemon?

Swampert: By far the best Water/Ground type.