Is SSJ2 Gohan Stronger Than Cell?

Is SSJ2 Gohan stronger than Cell? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is SSJ2 Gohan stronger than Cell?

Unless Cell knows something Gohan doesn't about Kamehamehas, considering that Gohan and Cell used the exact same move against each other, Gohan is stronger than Cell by the simple fact that Gohan's Kamehameha is stronger than Cell's. Goku's help was negligible, all he did was tell Gohan to stop holding back.

Was Gohan SSJ2 vs Cell?

Here is the evidence (from the anime and manga) to consider in this fight: SS2 Gohan was certainly stronger than Perfect Cell, this is unquestioned. Gohan was emotionally wrecked after Goku's sacrifice, as he believed he was responsible. Gohan was injured prior to their match-up after trying to save Vegeta.

What episode does Gohan go Super Saiyan 2 against Cell?

"Anger Exploding Into Power!! The Cell Juniors are Destroyed"), previously titled "The Unleashing", is the twentieth episode of the Cell Games Saga and the one hundred eighty-fifth overall episode in the uncut Dragon Ball Z series. This episode first aired in Japan on .

Is Ultimate Gohan stronger than SSJ2 Gohan?

So Ultimate Gohan is a minumum 16x stronger than Super Saiyan 2 young Gohan. SSJ2 Goku from Buu Saga was stated to have been stronger than SSJ2 Young Gohan from Cell Saga lol.

Who can beat Perfect Cell?

Assisted by his father in spirit, Gohan retaliates with his own Kamehameha, ultimately overpowering Cell with Vegeta's help, destroying his cell nucleus and killing him once and for all. Mr. Satan, however, takes credit for the victory and becomes a hero.

Could Gohan beat Cell?

Gohan's 50% defeating Cell isn't completely accurate. Everyone was attacking Cell as well. Vegeta's surprise attack stunned Cell long enough for Gohan to use his power to kill him, but Cell was toying around the whole time.

Is Perfect Cell stronger than Gohan?

Power wise, Cell started off at a level stronger than SS1 Gohan, but weaker than SS2 Gohan, and ended up being roughly on par with SS2 Gohan. Given that Super Saiyan 2 is stated to be twice as strong as the normal version, Cell probably became somewhat less than twice as strong as he originally was.

Could Super Saiyan 1 Gohan beat Cell?

Gohan's 50% defeating Cell isn't completely accurate. Everyone was attacking Cell as well. Vegeta's surprise attack stunned Cell long enough for Gohan to use his power to kill him, but Cell was toying around the whole time. ... If he wanted, he could've killed Gohan from the beginning of their Kamehameha struggle.

Was Cell afraid of Gohan?

Cell was afraid of Gohan SSJ2, after he punched Cell twice, than told him, he was going to kill him, after he warned him.