Who Is The Strongest Saint Seiya?

Who is the strongest Saint Seiya?

Strongest Saints of Athena???

  • Virgo Shaka - there is really no question here that Shaka is the strongest of all the saints in Athena's army. ...
  • Lyra Orpheus - Orpheus was the first Saint amongst all the saints to awake the 8th sense.

Is Koga Seiya's son?

Kouga is Saori and Seiya's biological son.

Does Seiya love Saori?

The short answer is: No he isn't. Even though at the very beginning of the series he most probably is, that changes quite rapidly within the series. And by the time the sanctuary chapter starts his relationship with Athena isn't in love with Saori but does love Athena.

Does Seiya like Ristarte?

By the end of the anime, Seiya does love Ristarte. She's the reincarnation of his previous love interest from the last time he was summoned. Because Ristarte used her goddess powers, she is punished even though she helped save Gaeabrande.

Who is stronger Seiya or Goku?

While Goku Has More Abilities, Seiya Has Way Better Abilities And Hax. While Goku Is Multi-Universal, And Seiya Is Also Multi-Universal, Seiya Is On A Higher End Of Multi-Universal Than Goku. While Goku Is More Skilled, Seiya Is More Powerful, And Has Way Better Hax Abilities.

Can Seiya beat Goku?

Seiya speed blitzes and destroys Goku on an atomic level with multi-universal attacks. He's resisted things greater than atomic level destruction. And Goku is multi universal as well by the time he attains MUI.

Can Saint Seiya beat Goku?

seiya wins against goku. in dragonball, magic is stronger than ki, remember candy vegetto. he was still sentient because he was stronger than buuhan, yet transformed into a candy nonetheless.

Can Sailor Moon beat Goku?

In short, Usagi is capable of feats comparable to Goku. ... Usagi can beat Goku so long as the fight ends up playing to her strengths. Should Goku move in close, the confrontation could get dicey. However, it's possible Usagi's own abilities, especially as either Eternal Sailor Moon, could keep her on her feet.

Can Goku beat Saitama?

Goku can only beat Saitama when Goku uses master ultra instinct? That's like saying a human can only kill an ant by bombarding it with nuclear weapons. Saitama is very strong, but he's nowhere near the level of power Goku is at. Saitama's feats don't scale anywhere near what Goku has accomplished.

Can Sailor Moon beat Superman?

Sailor Moon. First, she's regenerated from having her body, mind, and soul simultaneously deleted, so there's simply no way for Superman to actually defeat her, no matter how strong you think he is. ... Sailor Moon's strongest form(Cosmos) should defeat almost all versions of Superman.

Can arceus beat Goku?

Arceus created the entire Pokemon universe. He can beat Goku. ... He can beat Goku. Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf combined can match any one of Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina in power.

Can Goku beat Mewtwo?

Goku is very strong and all but he has no protection against Mewtwo just mind wiping him. ... Mewtwo at his strongest form which is Mega Evolutions (Super Mystery Dungeon) Mewtwo can only beat base form Goku but he gets killed by SSJ1- SSJB Kaioken x10.

Can arceus beat Mewtwo?

As no surprise to anyone, Arceus made the stronger side of this list. Being the god of Pokémon (who also created the universe), Arceus has all the powers anyone could imagine. ... Mewtwo might be able to get one or two hits in, but it would only be a matter of time before Arceus came out on top.

Who can kill arceus?

Pokémon: 5 Anime Characters Arceus Can Defeat (& 5 It'd Lose To)

  • 8 Can Defeat: Gon Freecss Because Even As An Adult He Won't Be Stronger Than Arceus.
  • 9 Cannot Defeat: Haruhi Suzumiya Since She Can Recreate Reality And Change Aspects Of Arceus To Her Advantage. ...
  • 10 Can Defeat: Naruto Uzumaki Because He Doesn't Hold The Powers Necessary To Counter Arceus's Abilities. ...

Did arceus created Mew?

Mew is a genetic repository that Arceus created in his own image, containing information about all Pokémon thanks to his design. Here, Mew was explicitly engineered by Arceus to contain all possible Pokémon DNA, including that of the creators.

Can Eternatus defeat arceus?

Eternatus is dragon/poison which leaves it weak to dragon, ground, ice, psychic. Arceus with any of these plates wins. Dragon Arceus will be weak to Eternarus' attacks but is faster and can KO with draco meteor. Eternatus can hit Fairy, grass and dragon for super effective.

Who is the God of all Pokemon?


Who is the strongest legendary Pokemon?


What Pokemon is Mew?

Mew is the original Mythical Pokémon, introduced in Generation I, the Kanto region. It is known as the 'New Species Pokémon' and is a pure Psychic type. It is number 151 in the Pokédex, making it the last Pokémon in the original Pokédex. Mew is incredibly rare, and is said to only appear to those pure of heart.

Who is the weakest Pokemon?

These are the 30 weakest Pokémon you probably shouldn't catch:

  • Weedle. ...
  • Metapod. ...
  • Delibird. ...
  • Magikarp. ...
  • Wimpod. ...
  • Smeargle. ...
  • Spoink. The second weakest Pokémon you probably shouldn't catch is Spoink. ...
  • Unown. Coming in at number one and claiming the title of the weakest Pokémon you probably shouldn't catch is Unown.

What is Ash's weakest Pokemon?

Ash's 10 Weakest Pokémon (That Keep Winning Battles)

  1. 1 Pikachu Is One Of Ash's Most Valuable Companions In Battle.
  2. 2 Heracross Helps Ash Acclimate To The Johto Region. ...
  3. 3 Gible Turns Its Innocence Into Fighting Spirit. ...
  4. 4 Buizel Unexpectedly Turns Laughter Into Terror. ...
  5. 5 Noctowl's Battle Record Exceeds Its Simple Nature. ...
  6. 6 Ash Leaves Squirtle Behind Despite Steady Victories. ...

Who is Ash's weakest rival?

Pokemon: Every Main Rival Of Ash Ketchum, Ranked By Skill

  • 9 Barry. It's somewhat fitting that one of the only rivals to appear in the games also happens to be one of the least exciting rivals in the Pokemon anime. ...
  • 8 Trip. ...
  • 7 Gladion. ...
  • 5 Gary. ...
  • 3 Ritchie. ...
  • 2 Alain. ...
  • 1 Paul.

What is the ugliest Pokemon?

Top 20 Ugliest Pokémon Of All Time (Ranked)

  • Alolan Raticate. ...
  • Probopass. ...
  • Bruxish. ...
  • Vullaby. ...
  • Garbodor. ...
  • Gurdurr. ...
  • Crabominable. ...
  • Jynx. You can't make a list of ugly Pokémon without including Jynx, who has dominated the ranking ever since the series began in 1996.

Is Eevee or Pikachu better?

In the new Pokémon game, Eevee is more powerful than your typical Fox Pokémon. Like Pikachu, its IVs will be maxed out to give you an edge in battle. However, Eevee learns more moves than its counterpart.

What is the prettiest Pokemon?

The Ten Most Beautiful Pokemon Designs

  • Aurorus. ...
  • Lapras. ...
  • Cresselia. ...
  • Ponyta (both Kanto and Galar forms) ...
  • Dragonair. ...
  • Espeon. ...
  • Xerneas. This Legendary Pokemon is just plain gorgeous. ...
  • Ninetales (both Kanto and Alola forms) In my opinion, Ninetales has been the most beautiful Pokemon from the very beginning generation.

Is Eevee cuter than Pikachu?

Pikachu is the OG. In a vacuum, eevee is cuter, but pikachu is the better overall 'mon. you're cuter OP. ;) ... Eevee by far.