Why Do They Call Her Nymphadora?

Why do they call her Nymphadora?

Tonks rather disliked her given name and considered her mother as a fool for naming her as such, thus insisting to be called "Tonks" instead. She didn't express any rejection when others referred to her as "Dora", a shortened form of the given name she detested so much.

Why does Tonks not like to be called nymphadora?

Originally Answered: Why does Nymphadora Tonks not like being called by her first name? Because to British ears it's an awkward and silly-sounding name which sounds like it might belong to a Victorian stripper. She thought it was old-fashioned.

Are nymphadora and Draco cousins?

Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater during both wizard wars. He marries Narcissa Black and together they have one son, Draco, who is the first Malfoy family member introduced in the series. ... Draco is also Nymphadora Tonks' first cousin through their mothers.

Does nymphadora have a Harry crush?

Also, there's no canonical flirting or romantic moments between the two. Of course no! Tonks was older than Harry and besides, she was in love with Harry. Many Honks shippers say that she did in fact have a crush on Harry.

Was Nymphadora Tonks a Slytherin?

Andromeda "Dromeda" Tonks (née Black) (b. 1951-1955),was an English pure-blood witch and the middle daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black (née Rosier), as well as the sister of Bellatrix and Narcissa. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 1960s and was sorted into Slytherin House.

How much older is Andromeda than Sirius?

– Andromeda is several years older than Sirius; Sirius was born in 1959, so there is about a six year age difference between the two. Andromeda attended Hogwarts in the mid-60s to early 70s, while Sirius attended Hogwarts from 1971 to 1978.

Who killed Nymphadora Tonks in Harry Potter?

Bellatrix Lestrange Lupin, played in the films by David Thewlis, was murdered in the battle by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov, while Tonks was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, leaving their son, Teddy, an orphan. Lupin's death is a sore spot for many fans, who fell in love with the werewolf, nicknamed Moony.

Who did Teddy Lupin marry?

When Teddy turned 19 years old Teddy got his girlfriend and later on wife Victoire Weasley pregnant with the pairs first daughter Ashlynn Lupin who is a vella like her mother and her mothers family. Teddy and Victoire go on to get married at the Burrow by the lake and the Tree house.

How much older is Bellatrix than Narcissa?

Early life. Narcissa Black was the youngest daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black (née Rosier), born in 1955 in the aristocratic House of Black. She had two older sisters, Bellatrix and Andromeda.

Are Harry and Draco related?

Just like Harry Potter and Voldemort are distant cousins, Harry and Draco are also related by a common ancestor – and all you have to do is take a look at the Black family tree.

Who did Remus Lupin lose his virginity to?

He died a 115 year old virgin. Lupin- Due to him being a werewolf, it's very likely he didn't lose his virginity until he met Tonks. Lupin was also poor, so prostitutes were out of the question. Hagrid- Due to his enormous size and weight, he would probably end up killing any woman he tried to have sexual contact with.