Is Chichi In Love With Goku?

Is Chichi in love with Goku? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is Chichi in love with Goku?

Chi-Chi quickly fell in love with Goku, who was completely oblivious to her feelings. ... Chi-Chi would hold on to her feelings for Goku and the "promise" he made, thinking they were engaged to be married. However, this arrangement wouldn't come through for a while, not until they were both quite a bit older.

Who is Chichi to Goku?

Chi-Chi Chi-Chi (チチ, Chichi) is the princess of Fire Mountain and the daughter of the Ox-King. She later marries Goku and becomes the loving mother of Gohan and Goten.

Is Chi Chi Goku's wife?

Typically portrayed as the shrewish wife of series protagonist Son Goku and the overprotective mother of Son Gohan and Son Goten, Chi-Chi is considered to be one of the most prominent female characters in the franchise, and is featured consistently in merchandise and in cosplay by Dragon Ball fandom.

Did Goku and Chichi get divorced?

re: Was ChiChi tempted to divorce Goku? No. Chi Chi loves Goku. Goku also loves her and likes being with strong women.

Does Goku cheat on Chi-Chi?

Goku doesn't cheat in the traditional sense. If you switch kissing and sex with training and fighting, you'd realize how bad it really is. It may be harmless, because it's a kids show, but it doesn't change Goku's actions. Goku prefers doing everything apart from Chi Chi.

Does Chi Chi regret marry Goku?

She doesn't always let him do whatever he wants, even using the fact that he wasn't educated as a child as her main justification for keeping Gohan and Goten in school. After Goku passes away, Chi-Chi is naturally filled with regret over the way she interacted with her husband.

How many children did Goku and Chichi have?

Goku has 2 kids: Gohan and Goten by his wife, Chi-Chi. Gohan is the eldest, born Age 757, and Goten is the youngest, born Age 767.

Does Goku love his family?

Goku loves all his friends very much, specifically his family. Just because he doesn't want to stay with them doesn't mean he doesn't care about them. Goku only wants to get stronger because he sees that as an adventure.

How did Chichi and Goku get together?

Goku and Chichi are childhood sweethearts, or at least Chichi thought they were. They met when they were 14-years-old, after Goku saved her. ... Kid Goku and Kid Chichi During those five years apart, Chichi never forgot that promise, and met him again at the Martial Arts Tournament when they were 19.