What Is Value Proposition Canvas?

What is value proposition canvas?

The Value Proposition Canvas is a tool which can help ensure that a product or service is positioned around what the customer values and needs. ... It is a detailed look at the relationship between two parts of the Osterwalder's broader Business Model Canvas; customer segments and value propositions.

What are the six parts of the value proposition canvas?


  • Newness. Some value propositions are based on the newness or novelty factor that they provide. ...
  • Performance. ...
  • Customization. ...
  • Getting the job done. ...
  • Design. ...
  • Brand/ Status. ...
  • Price. ...
  • Cost Reduction.

What is a value proposition design?

A value proposition is a product, service, or experience that creates desired gains or relieves existing pains. To design a compelling value proposition, you must understand the desired gains and existing pains of the people you aim to serve. Through this process you may also uncover unexpected gains.

What is a value proposition Strategyzer?

More about Value Propositions Your Value Proposition is the reason why customers turn to your company over another. ... Each Value Proposition consists of a selected bundle of products and/or services that caters to the requirements of a specific Customer Segment.

How do you explain value proposition?

A value proposition should clearly explain how a product fills a need, communicate the specifics of its added benefit, and state the reason why it's better than similar products on the market. The ideal value proposition is to-the-point and appeals to a customer's strongest decision-making drivers.

How do I fill a value proposition in canvas?

How to Fill the Value Proposition Canvas

  1. Choose a customer segment.
  2. Identify their jobs and prioritize them according to how important they are to your customer.
  3. Identify pains and prioritize them.
  4. Identify their gains and prioritize them.

What is Amazon's value proposition?

Jeff Bezos regularly points out Amazon's three customer value propositions: Low prices. Fast delivery speed (often same day and with options of free 2-hour delivery) and a. Vast selection (“Earth's biggest selection”)

What is customer jobs in value proposition canvas?

Value proposition canvas customer jobs include different tasks, problems or wish the customers are intended to deal with, solve or satisfy. By doing so, you refine the customer segment from the emotional (preferences, popularity), social (reputation, sense of duty), and functional (practicability) perspective.

What is value proposition example?

In its example, the company uses PPC ads for an ISO test company. ... Then, based on the clickthrough rates of each ad, you can determine which value proposition resonates best with your potential customers. A good value proposition can be the difference between your next customer or another bounce statistic.

What are the 4 types of values?

The four types of value include: functional value, monetary value, social value, and psychological value. The sources of value are not equally important to all consumers.

What is Nike's value proposition?

Nike offers four primary value propositions: accessibility, innovation, customization, and brand/status. ... The company enables customization through its service NikeID. It allows customers to personalize various aspects of their shoes, including sport style, traction, and colors.

What is Apple's value proposition?

Apple iPhone – The Experience IS the Product This aspirational messaging is Apple's value proposition. Take a look at the copy. Apple states that it believes a phone “should be more than a collection of features” – yet this is precisely what a smartphone is.

What is Netflix's value proposition?

They start with a traditional pay-per-rental model, a selection of 925 titles and 30 employees. ... The new value proposition was that subscribers could rent unlimited titles (with a maximum of three titles at a time) with no late fees, no postage or handling fees.

What is Spotify's value proposition?

Spotify is known to offer five primary value propositions: Accessibility, customization, pricing, performance, and brand/status. Spotify enables customization which allows customers to search their favorite songs and create playlists.

What is a good employee value proposition?

A good EVP contains elements that appeal to different groups of employees from different cultures, age groups and functions. The most successful EVPs are derived from combining needs of key segments of the workforce to form a universal brand which is then communicated through the best channel for each segment.

What is HR value proposition?

The HR value proposition means that HR practices, departments, and professionals produce positive outcomes for key stakeholders, employees, line managers, customers, and investors. Value becomes the bellwether for HR. When others receive value from HR work, HR will be credible, respected, and influential.

How do you promote employee value proposition?

5 Ways to Improve Your Company's Employee Value Proposition

  1. Broadcast Your Employees' Company Achievements. ...
  2. Offer In-Person Thanks. ...
  3. Encourage Your Employees to Increase Their Skill Sets. ...
  4. Make Your Recognition and Rewarding Personal. ...
  5. Include an Employee Recognition Program.

What is an EVP statement?

The employee value proposition should not be confused with a company's mission statement, core values or culture code. The EVP is about the reciprocity between employers and candidates adding mutual benefit and value to one another's employment opportunity and employer brand.

How do I get an EVP?

Here are six steps to building a great EVP for your organization:

  1. Assess what you currently offer.
  2. Interview your existing and past employees.
  3. Define the key components of your EVP.
  4. Write your employee value proposition.
  5. Promote your EVP through the right channels.
  6. Review the results.

What makes up the employee value proposition EVP?

What is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP)? In short, an EVP encompasses everything an employer is doing to attract and retain employees. It includes all of the pay, benefits, rewards, and perks that come with being an employee of that organization.

Why do you need an EVP?

A strong EVP is important for two reasons: 1. When presented correctly, an EVP offers a comprehensive look into each position, making sure the role is attractive to top talent and allowing the candidate to discover whether or not they are going to be a good fit.

What question does the employee value proposition answer?

An EVP answers the following questions: Why is your company a great workplace? Why should a candidate work for your company instead of somewhere else? What is in it for them?

What does prospective employee mean?

Prospective employee means any individual who has committed to become an employee of the Company within sixty (60) days from the date an Award is granted to such individual. ... Prospective employee means a student who is anticipated to be hired upon graduation.

What is the meaning of stimulating?

Definition of 'stimulating' 1. inspiring new ideas or enthusiasm. 2. (of a physical activity) making one feel refreshed and energetic.

What is a prospective?

1 : relating to or effective in the future. 2a : likely to come about : expected the prospective benefits of this law. b : likely to be or become a prospective mother. Other Words from prospective More Example Sentences Learn More about prospective.

What does prospective student mean?

It's simple really: a prospective student is anyone who is considering attending a specific college or university. ... College students or adults applying to graduate school.

What is a prospective husband?

Noun. ▲ The person to whom one is to soon be married to. intended. betrothed.

What is the difference between prospective and perspective?

Perspective means a view, vista, or outlook when used as a noun. Prospective means likely or expected to happen or become when used as an adjective.

What is a prospective person?

Prospective is defined as likely or expected. An example of someone prospective is a potential new client; a prospective client. An example of someone prospective is a student looking at colleges; a prospective student.

What does retrospect mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to engage in retrospection. 2 : to refer back : reflect. transitive verb. : to go back over in thought.