Did Live-action Mulan Do Well?

Did live-action Mulan do well?

Despite that, Mulan was a success for Disney+, significantly increasing the number of subscribers and proving that almost 100,000 people would pay an additional $30 to access the film. ... While it didn't do as well as the Disney remakes with a proper theatrical release, Disney+ still had a massive success with Mulan.

Is the live-action Mulan now free?

Mulan Is Now Available For Free on Disney+, So Prepare to Feel Loyal, Brave, and True. Good news for Disney+ users who were holding out on watching the live-action Mulan until it was free: the film is now available to stream without an additional cost!

Will Mushu be in the live-action Mulan?

Mulan audiences and Disney fans were quick to spot that Mushu was removed from the 2020 live-action remake streaming on Disney+. ... Mushu may have also been removed due to criticism of the 1998 animated film's portrayal of the talking dragon, according to the film's producer.

How much money is Mulan making?

In terms of revenue, estimates range from $62 million to $93 million domestically. This is only looking at the first 12 days of September. It's also worth noting that this is looking at the $30 cost of Mulan, not the earnings that new Disney+ subscribers brought in.

Why is Mulan controversial?

Mulan star Liu Yifei's comments supporting Hong Kong police sparked criticism of the film, which quickly led to a call for boycotts among Hong Kong pro-democracy protestors, as well as Thai and Taiwanese activists, among others. ... The film has also been accused of being too white behind the camera.

Is Mulan free with Disney Plus?

The live-action remake of 'Mulan' is now free to stream on Disney Plus.

How long is Mulan animated?

1h 28m Mulan/Running time

Why is Li Shang not in Mulan?

Disney has dropped the character Li Shang from its forthcoming live-action remake of Mulan, because executives were “uncomfortable” with his storyline in the wake of the #MeToo movement.

Why do people not like Mulan live-action?

The Mulan live-action reboot debuted on Disney+ on September 4 for the price of $29.99. People are boycotting Mulan because of comments made by its lead actress, Liu Yifei.

Why did people not like the live-action Mulan?

That's because of the way Muslim Uighurs are treated in the area of Xinjiang, China, where parts of the movie were filmed, and because of comments Liu Yifei - who plays Mulan - made on social media about police in Hong Kong. ...

Is Mulan 2020 a success?

The verdict? Mulan has garnered between $60 million and $90 million in streaming revenue, while Tenet has done just $36 million in live box office. “Tenet was definitely sickened by COVID-19, and only streaming can save it now,” Forbes concluded.

How much money did it cost to make Mulan 2020?

200 million USD Mulan/Budget

When can you stream Mulan for free?

December 4 2020 Wondering when Mulan will be free with your Disney Plus subscription? You'll be pleased to hear that the answer is 'right now'. The live-action remake became available for all Disney Plus members as of December 4 2020, meaning you can watch Mulan this very moment if you're already signed up to the streaming service.

Is Mulan Chinese or Japanese?

Mulan (Disney character)13 more rows