What Spice Stands For?

What spice stands for?

Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis SPICE ("Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis") is a general-purpose, open-source analog electronic circuit simulator.

What are spices and examples?

Examples. Herbs include basil, bay leaf, celery seed, chives, cilantro, dill, fennel, lemon grass, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme and more. Spices include cardamom, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, pepper, turmeric, ginger, mace, saffron, vanilla, cumin, dill seed and more.

What does spice up mean?

to add spice to food to make it more interesting: ... If you spice up something you add excitement or interest to it: That bluesy sound really spices up Hargrove's music.

Is spice a noun or adjective?

SPICE (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does the C stand for in spices?

SPICE. Situation, Problem, Investigation, Construction, Evaluation (engineering)

Which SPICE software is best?

LTSpice – is a widely popular SPICE simulator from Linear. LTspice is a free circuit simulation tool from Linear Technology corporation. This simulation software is considered as one of the best freeware available.

Which spice is the king of spices?

Black Pepper Black Pepper is considered the 'king of spices' and rightfully so. Unlike its perennial companion, salt, which is easily available in any nook and corner of the world, the black pepper owes its origins to Kerala – a state in South India.

What is the most costly spice?

saffron Most expensive spice Across the world, saffron is used in products ranging from food to medicine and cosmetics. A kilogram (2.2 pounds) requires the stigmas of about 150,000 flowers and can easily sell for $3,000-$4,000.

What does spice it up mean in texting?

To make something more interesting, exciting, tantalizing, or sexy. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spice" and "up." Please refrain from spicing up your reports with such colorful language—stick to the facts, if you don't mind.

How can I spice up my life?

Here are their six tips for spicing up your life:
  1. 1) Take charge of your daily routine. ...
  2. 2) Utilize the power of music and laughter. ...
  3. 3) Get out into nature. ...
  4. 4) Think outside the box. ...
  5. 5) Actively seek adventure. ...
  6. 6) Love yourself. ...
  7. Start a Relationship with An Exceptional Counselor.

Is spice a countable noun?

[countable, uncountable] one of the various types of powder or seed that come from plants and are used in cooking. Spices have a strong taste and smell.

What is adjective of spice?

spicy. Of, pertaining to, or containing spice. (of flavors) Provoking a burning sensation due to the presence of chillies or similar hot spices. (of flavors or odors) Tangy, zesty, or pungent.

What is the full form of SPICE in retail?

SPICe (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating a Company Electronically) is a comprehensive form through which an application for: Name reservation. Incorporation of a company.

What does SPICE stand for in child development?

Learning Outcomes Use the acronym, 'SPICE' to remember the key areas of development: • Social; • Physical; • Intellectual; • Communication; • Emotional.

Is SPICE simulation free?

Linear Technology's LTspice, with more than 500,000 copies downloaded, is both the oldest and the most popular free tool for PCB circuit layout and simulation.

Which is better Pspice or Multisim?

They both are Spice type analog simulators. The difference is the interface and some of the advanced features. My opinion is that Multisim has an easier to use and more intuitive graphical interface.

Which country is king of spices?

This is partly due to another paradoxical saffron fact — it is, or can be, one of the most widely cultivable of spices. Many spices come from plants that grow in the tropical zone, where most of India falls, and it is why these are sometimes called the Spice Lands.

Which is the king of fish?

Salmon Salmon is called the king of fish. With its steely, silver skin, as shiny as King Arthur's armor, it even looks the part.

What is the rarest spice?

Top 10 rarest spices
  • 1 – Saffron. Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world and can cost an eye watering $500 – $5,000 per pound. ...
  • 2 – Caraway Seeds. ...
  • 3 – Asafoetida. ...
  • 4 – Sumac. ...
  • 5 – Grains of paradise. ...
  • 6 – Annatto. ...
  • 7 – Anardana. ...
  • 8 – Juniper berries.

Is saffron still the most expensive spice?

Quality saffron can cost around $3,000 for just two pounds. Saffron's reputation as the most expensive spice in the world is because of the growing process. Only a small part of the saffron flower—the stigmata—is actually used for the spice. So it takes some 75,000 saffron flowers to make just one pound of spice.