Which Is Type 2 Conditional Sentence?

Which is Type 2 conditional sentence?

The type 2 conditional refers to an unlikely or hypothetical condition and its probable result. These sentences are not based on the actual situation. In type 2 conditional sentences, the time is now or any time and the situation is hypothetical.

What is a zero conditional sentence?

The zero conditional is used to make statements about the real world, and often refers to general truths, such as scientific facts. In these sentences, the time is now or always and the situation is real and possible.

What are the 4 types of conditional sentences?

There are four main kinds of conditionals:

  • The Zero Conditional: (if + present simple, ... present simple) ...
  • The First Conditional: (if + present simple, ... will + infinitive) ...
  • The Second Conditional: (if + past simple, ... would + infinitive) ...
  • The Third Conditional. (if + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle)

What is the rule of conditional sentences?

Conditional Sentences start with 'If' and each of them refers to the unreal past. This kind of sentences is also known as 'If 'sentence and here, past tense is used, but they do not refer to the past time.

What is an example of zero conditional?

The Zero Conditional Here are some examples: If you heat water to 100°, it boils. If you eat a lot, you put on weight. If it doesn't rain for a long time, the earth gets very dry.

Why do we use conditional sentences?

In English grammar, this kind of imaginary sentence is called a conditional sentence. We use conditionals to talk about imaginary situations in the past, present and future. We use conditionals for situations that might happen in the future, or situations that might never happen.

What is a second conditional sentence?

The second conditional is a structure used to talk about impossible or imaginary situations. If I won a lot of money I'd travel the world. ... Many conditional sentences use if + will/would. However conditional sentences can also use other words instead of 'if' – 'when' 'as soon as' 'in case'.

What is 2nd and 3rd conditional?

The point is this - the Second Conditional denotes an action that could still happen in the future, while the Third Conditional describes an event that didn't happen in the past, although it could have, and that will remain unchanged.

Can you use second conditional in a sentence?

Second conditional example: If I had lunch with my favorite actress, I could ask for her autograph, or I could ask her to make a movie with me. Third conditional example: If I had known you were going to the football game yesterday, I could have gone with you, because I had the day off from work.

What is the example of second conditional?

Second conditional is used in situations/actions in the present or future which are not likely to happen or are imaginary, hypothetical or impossible. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world and buy a castle.

What are the example of third conditional?

If it had rained, you would have gotten wet. You would have gotten wet if it had rained. You would have passed your exam if you had worked harder. If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam.

What is improbable conditional sentence?

Conditional Sentence Type 2 Often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal impossible or improbable situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation. It is very unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled.

What are conditional statements?

Definition. A conditional statement is a statement that can be written in the form “If P then Q,” where P and Q are sentences. For this conditional statement, P is called the hypothesis and Q is called the conclusion. Intuitively, “If P then Q” means that Q must be true whenever P is true.

What is conditional statement explain with example?

A conditional statement is false if hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false. The example above would be false if it said "if you get good grades then you will not get into a good college". If we re-arrange a conditional statement or change parts of it then we have what is called a related conditional.

Are conditional statements always true?

Though it is clear that a conditional statement is false only when the hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false, it is not clear why when the hypothesis is false, the conditional statement is always true.

What is a conditional statement What is the most commonly used conditional statement?


Is while a conditional statement?

A conditional loop has the potential to become an infinite loop when nothing in the loop's body can affect the outcome of the loop's conditional statement. ... The While loop and the For loop are the two most common types of conditional loops in most programming languages.

How does conditional statements affect our programs?

What makes programming so much more powerful are conditional statements. This is the ability to test a variable against a value and act in one way if the condition is met by the variable or another way if not. ... A logic statement or operation can be evaluated to be True or False.

What is another name for a conditional statement?

2 Conditional Statement Another name for an IF-THEN statement is a CONDITIONAL STATEMENT. Every conditional has 2 parts. The part following the “IF” is called the HYPOTHESIS, and the part following the “then” is called the CONCLUSION.

How can you apply conditional statements in your everyday life?


  1. Conditionals in everyday life! ...
  2. If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.
  3. If my brother doesn't study, he won't pass the exam.
  4. If I finish my homework I'll watch TV.
  5. I'll go to the supermarket If we have guests.
  6. I'll call a doctor, If my mother doesn't feel well.
  7. I'll have to work If I want Money.

What are the types of conditional statements?

There are following types of conditional statements in C.

  • If statement.
  • If-Else statement.
  • Nested If-else statement.
  • If-Else If ladder.
  • Switch statement.

What is a conditional?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : subject to, implying, or dependent upon a condition a conditional promise. 2 : expressing, containing, or implying a supposition the conditional clause if he speaks. 3a : true only for certain values of the variables or symbols involved conditional equations.

What are looping statements?

A Loop executes the sequence of statements many times until the stated condition becomes false. ... The control statement is a combination of some conditions that direct the body of the loop to execute until the specified condition becomes false. The purpose of the loop is to repeat the same code a number of times.

What is looping statement with example?

A loop is used for executing a block of statements repeatedly until a particular condition is satisfied. For example, when you are displaying number from 1 to 100 you may want set the value of a variable to 1 and display it 100 times, increasing its value by 1 on each loop iteration.

What are the 3 types of loops?

Visual Basic has three main types of loops: for.. next loops, do loops and while loops.

What is the difference between conditional statement and looping statement?

Conditional statements checks for a condition to be true or false. Loop is a structure which executes repetedly depending upon the value of the conditional statements. Conditional statement will execute only once if condition is true whereas loop will execute repeatedly till the condition becomes false.