When Did Season 5 Of The Office Come Out?

When did Season 5 of The Office come out?

Septem The fifth season of the American television comedy The Office premiered in the United States in the 2008–2009 television season on NBC on Septem and concluded on .

Is The Office Season 5 GOOD?

Season 5 of The Office feels a lot like the downward slope of a great series. ... The biggest obstacle to keeping The Office fresh is the fact that its very premise is complacency. It's about a group of affable people living their lives while working a dreary, dead-end job.

Why did Pam leave the office Season 5?

Pam's main reason for leaving Dunder Mifflin is because she was utterly fed up with always being the receptionist at the office. She wanted more for herself and knew that she had all the potential to join the sales team.

Where is Ryan in The Office Season 5?

In season 5 Ryan is again working at DM as a temp, but then takes his trip to "Thailand" and is only again seen in the episode "Dream Team" as a bowling ally employee.

Who married Michael?

Holly Flax Michael Scott (The Office)10 more rows

Does Pam come back to Dunder Mifflin?

Pam eventually comes back from art school, gets engaged to Jim and gets pregnant, while Holly and Michael enjoy a short but intense relationship before she's transferred out of town. Angela breaks up with both Andy and Dwight, and all three end up alone.

Does Pam cheat on Jim in The Office?

Some fans claimed there was plenty of evidence that Jim cheated on Pam. ... According to the fan theory, Jim admitted he cheated on Pam during the last episode of The Office titled "Finale," aired on May 16th, 2013. When Pam was asked during the Q&A session why she stopped trusting Jim, he appeared to hastily cut her off.

Do Pam and Jim get divorced?

Pam has spoken: She and Jim are still happily together. During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen on Thursday, Jenna Fischer was asked for her reaction to Chrissy Teigen's recent theory that 10 years after their wedding on The Office, the beloved TV couple divorced.

Does Holly end up with Michael?

Michael and Holly are one of the main couples of The Office. They get engaged in the seventh season. They have been married for 9 years (2020). They move to Colorado together.

Who is Michael girlfriend on The Office?

Holly Flax Michael Scott/Significant others Holly Flax is the human resources representative for the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin. She and Michael Scott become good friends in the office, though Michael desires to turn their friendship into a romance, which eventually takes place.

Why did Pam fight Jim?

Earlier this season, the two had an excruciating phone fight where Jim blew up at Pam for failing to record their daughter's dance recital, even though he was the one who had to miss it and she screwed up the video for a good reason. ... Brian has been filming Pam for years and years and they've gotten close.

Is Cece in the office Pam's real baby?

Fischer and Kirk were married in 2010 in a ceremony in Malibu, according to People. ... Total Love, Jenna Fischer & Lee Kirk!” The couple have two children together, though the baby who played Cece Halpert was not, in fact, their real child.