What Are The 3 Degree Of Comparison?

What are the 3 degree of comparison?

The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative and superlative. The comparative and superlative degrees are used to compare between two or more subjects or objects. In this sentence, the comparative degree (smarter) of the adjective 'smart' is used to compare between the two persons.

What degree is most positive?

Usage notes. English has three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative. ... For adjectives longer than about two syllables, and for adverbs, English precedes the word with "more" for the comparative and "most" for the superlative.

What is the comparative of intelligent?

Can I say clearer?

Frequency of use: clearer than is twice as common as more clear than, although both are common. Both are grammatically correct. ("More clearer", however, would be wrong.) The question really ought to be whether to say "clearer" or "more clearly." That's the confusing one.

Do we say more clear or clearer?

So, clearer or more clear? The basic rules tell us that because clear is a one syllable adjective there is no need to use 'more. ' But the reality is that in everyday usage, both are perfectly acceptable, and you'll often hear and see both being used.

What is clearly mean?

Clearly means in a clear manner or way, without uncertainty. Clearly also means happening in a way that is obvious or occurring without question.

What is another word for clearly?

Clearly Synonyms - WordHippo Thesaurus....What is another word for clearly?

How do you use clearly in a sentence?

Clearly sentence example

  1. Man's clearly a homophobe. ...
  2. His expression was clearly displeased. ...
  3. Clearly , what nanites will do inside our bodies in the future is almost limitless and will change medicine forever. ...
  4. He stopped abruptly and turned, his expression clearly startled until he realized it was her.

What does it mean to speak clearly?

being understood

What do you call someone who speaks clearly?

Synonyms for well-spoken. articulate, eloquent, fluent, silver-tongued.

How do you describe someone who is good at talking?

Affable means friendly, pleasant, and easy to talk to. An affable host offers you something to drink and makes you feel at home.

What do you call someone that is good at everything?

Perfectionist is the word for someone who is good at everything they do .

How do you describe someone who speaks well?

Just for your information "eloquent" is an adjective. Both words, orator and eloquent, are Latin. Someone who can speak really well in front of the crowd.

How do you say someone is good with words?

Someone who is good with words is “eloquent”.

What is a person with many talents called?

Multipotentiality is the state of having many exceptional talents, any one or more of which could make for a great career for that person. ... A multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life.

How do you say a lot of experience?


  1. great deal of experience.
  2. extensive experience.
  3. lot of experience.
  4. considerable experience.
  5. great experience.
  6. have much experience.
  7. lot of practice.
  8. plenty of experience.

Can I be good at everything?

No one can be good at everything, but you can attempt to do your best at everything you try. Make concerted efforts to contribute your skills and talents to activities that interest you. While you might not be the best person in each activity, doing your best will help you appear good.

How do I become good at everything?

  1. 8 Rules to Do Everything Better. The most important principles to grow your body and mind. ...
  2. Stress + Rest = Growth. ...
  3. Focus on the Process, Not Results. ...
  4. Stay Humble. ...
  5. Build Your Tribe. ...
  6. Take Small, Consistent Steps to Achieve Big Gains. ...
  7. Be a Minimalist to Be a Maximalist. ...
  8. Make the Hard Thing Easier.