Is Carolyn Jones From The Addams Family Still Alive?

Is Carolyn Jones from the Addams family still alive?

Deceased (1930–1983) Carolyn Jones/Living or Deceased

How old is Carolyn Jones?

53 years (1930–1983) Carolyn Jones/Age at death

Did Carolyn Jones like John Astin?

From 1964 to 1966, the television series ran for 64 episodes, according to, with Astin's character as the kooky patriarch of a family that was weird and creepy, but loving. ... Astin became good friends with Carolyn Jones, the actress who played Morticia Addams, and he delivered the eulogy at her funeral in 1983.

Did Carolyn Jones play in the Ten Commandments?

"I read what you wrote the other day about the movie 'The Ten Commandments. ' You mentioned that actress Carolyn Jones was in it. ... It showed a lot of info on her, but no where does it mention her, in even a bit role, in 'The Ten Commandments. '

Why did The Addams Family get Cancelled?

THE SHOW WAS CANCELED AFTER TWO SEASONS. Because The Munsters debuted around the same time The Addams Family did, the public quickly got burned out on monster sitcoms—at least, that's what the networks believed. Both shows got the axe at the end of their second seasons. “We had good writers.

How old was Carolyn Jones from the Addams Family when she died?

53 years (1930–1983) Carolyn Jones/Age at death

What did Carolyn Jones died of?

Aug Carolyn Jones/Date of death

Did Carolyn Jones wear a wig in The Addams Family?

It took Carolyn Jones two hours every day to put on Morticia's make-up. Topping it all off, she wore a wig made of human hair. Gomez and Morticia Addams were the first married couple on American TV implied to have a sex life.

Was Carolyn Jones ever on Perry Mason?

(Episodes with dates prior to 1970 aired as reruns.)...Search for Carolyn Jones on the Internet Movie Database.22 more columns

Where is Carolyn Jones from the Addams Family?

Amarillo, Texas, U.S. West Hollywood, California, U.S. Carolyn Sue Jones (Ap – Aug) was an American actress of television and film....Television.34 more columns