Is Aria A In PLL?

Is Aria A in PLL? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is Aria A in PLL?

Spoiler alert: She wasn't. The identity of “A” was one of the major secrets of the show, though any PLL fan could tell you there were plenty to be had. ... Surprisingly, Lucy thought that Aria herself was going to be revealed as “A” when the show wrapped.

Is Aria Montgomery the main character?

The main characters live happily ever after and the series finale of Pretty Little Liars shows Aria and Ezra on the journey to becoming parents. Aria tells Ezra that she can't have biological children, and this conversation is a relatable one, which is another reason why she's the main character of the show.

Is Aria Montgomery infertile?

Not only is Aria facing infertility, but another power couple Hanna and Caleb, played by Ashley Benson and Tyler Blackburn, are struggling to get pregnant as well. ... In Aria's eyes, she was the one unable to carry their children- she was the failure, not him.

Is Sabine in love with Ezra?

Ezra instantly developed a crush on Sabine the moment she first revealed her beauty to him, and attempted to flirt with her. ... Sabine has shown that she has complete trust in Ezra, as she was willing to let him lead her and Zeb on a mission to find Kanan, even behind Hera's back.

Is Aria pregnant with Ezra's baby?

The show revealed on Thursday (via social media) that Aria and Ezra have welcomed a baby girl. The news was presented as a faux text conversation between Alison and Aria, which also revealed that their daughter got her middle name from Aria's mom: ... Aria: We brought her home yesterday.

Who does Ezra Bridger marry?

Sabine Wren The wedding of Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger took place in Keldabe nearly two months after the Battle of Endor with the pursuit taking place from early morning in the Adenla Market to nightfall at Dal'voris Park. The two then embarked on a honeymoon across Mandalore for the next few months.

How much older is Sabine Than Ezra?

This show takes place fourteen years after Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), and in this show, Sabine Wren is sixteen and is two years older than Ezra Bridger, who is fourteen in this show.

Is Ezra Fitz a bad guy?

Trivia. Despite serving as one of the main antagonists of the fourth season, Ezra is an anti-villain, as he was only stalking the girls for his book. Having said that, fans (and even the Liars) suspected that he was A due to his actions in Season 4B, even though he was in no way associated with A.

Who's the father of Alison's baby?

Ladies and gentlemen, the father of PLL's “Emison” baby is… Wren! The big reveal came midway through the finale's second hour, following Spencer's meeting with A.D. — aka her secret British twin Alex Drake!