Quem So Richard Bandler E John Grinder?

Quem so Richard Bandler e John Grinder

Os americanos John Grinder e Richard Bandler são considerados os pais da Programação Neurolinguística. A PNL surgiu em meados dos anos 70, na Universidade da Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos.

John Grinder

We hope that you enjoyed reading the history of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Keep reading our other posts to learn the applications of NLP and how it can help you in your personal and professional life. NLP has been learned and practiced by a lot of well-known celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Sophie Dahl, Lily Allen, Gerri Halliwell, Jimmy Carr, and Russell Brand. If you want to take your life to the next level, do get training of NLP Practitioner & Master Practitioner. We wish you all the very best for your life, keep learning and keep growing.

Deste modo, a junção dos conhecimentos e do trabalho de John Grinder e Richard Bandler tornou possível a criação da Programação Neuroliguística, uma das ciências mais usadas em todo mundo, para o desenvolvimento de novos comportamentos e evolução humana.

Cursos por cidade

Cursos por cidade

So here then is the central dilemma of NLP for managers and professionals: how important is it? And therefore, how seriously do we need to take Bandler, Grinder, and their ideas of NLP?

Grinder completed his PhD in 1971, and after a short time in George Miller’s lab at Rockefeller University, he joined UC Santa Cruz as an Assistant Professor in Linguistics. His research interest was the then very new and fashionable transformational grammar pioneered by Noam Chomsky.

Nascido em Nova Jersey, em 1950, Richard Wayne Bandler passou grande parte de sua história na Califórnia. Na universidade de Santa Cruz, onde estudou, começou embasado por seus amplos conhecimentos sobre: Matemática, Computação, Programação de Sistemas, Física, Filosofia e Psicologia, a desenvolver a Programação Neurolinguística.

About Us

NLP is like Marmite: it evokes love and hate reactions in broadly equal measure. And its popularity goes through peaks and troughs – big ones for business, smaller troughs for the self-help industry.  It is currently a multi-million dollar industry world-wide.

Após demonstrar interesse e conhecimentos em Psicologia voltada a Gestalt- Terapia, o jovem Richard Bandler, com apenas 22 anos, teve a oportunidade de criar um grupo de estudos voltados ao assunto. No entanto, a universidade de Santa Cruz exigiu que um professor supervisionasse seu trabalho. Esse supervisor era o psicólogo Jonh Thomas Grinder.

Cursos de Coaching

Cursos de Coaching

From them, Bandler and Grinder extracted two of the biggest and most influential models within the NLP corpus: The Meta Model (from Satir and Perls) and The Milton Model (from Erikson).

John Grinder was born in 1940, and studied psychology at the University of San Francisco. After graduating with a BA, he joined the US Army as a Captain in a special forces unit. He then joined a US intelligence agency, before studying for a PhD in linguistics at The University of California, San Diego.

Sobre Richard Bandler

You can find much in NLP that is of value to you; and much that is not.  If you are prepared to be selective and evaluate each tool on its merits, NLP is a powerful resource.

Bandler has continued to lecture and write books on NLP. His lectures are often filled with humorous stories and provocative language. Many practitioners of NLP claim he does this because he is using NLP techniques known as anchoring, nested loops and other techniques to use the reactions of the audience as an aid to teaching. Certainly, he is acknowledged as being remarkably effective at working with a wide range of problems, which has been well demonstrated over the course of his career. Filmed examples of his work with clients demonstrate a highly effective multi-layered approach: the DVD set 'The Bandler Effect' shows him working with a variety of issues with follow-ups to determine the effectiveness of his intervention.

Milton Erikson was a masterful user of hypnosis in his therapy. Indeed, his style is sometimes called Eriksonian Hypnosis. Once again, Bandler and Grinder documented his language patterns. They found a similarity to the meta model, but that Erikson was being deliberately vague, to elicit gaps in thinking, through which he could insert therapeutic suggestions. The Milton model can help move a listener into a more receptive state. Again, this is useful to therapists, coaches and salespeople.

Biography Virginia Satir

This was the start of a collaboration that led to the founding of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The story of their collaboration, and of the other people involved – it was far from a two-person endeavour – is well documented elsewhere. So too is the acrimonious breakdown of their working relationship, and the court actions over ownership of the NLP name and ‘brand’.

Richard Bandler was born in 1950. His first few years were spent in New Jersey, before moving to California. He studied Philosophy and Psychology at US Santa Cruz, where he graduated in 1973.

Soluções In Company

Dentro do movimento pelo “Potencial Humano”, a PNL é considerada um dos métodos mais eficazes para promover a mudança de comportamento. Isso porque a partir de suas ferramentas, a exemplo do uso das Posições Perceptivas, o indivíduo consegue perceber sob sua ótica, a do outro e de uma visão sistêmica, como suas atitudes afetam a si, ao todo.

Bandler and Grinder began giving lectures together. They believed that by producing models based on effective therapists and breaking them down into parts they would be able to teach these techniques to other psychologists. They produced several more academic style books and several books for the masses based on transcripts of their lectures. Those books sold very well, but due to legal problems between Bandler and Grinder many later went out of print.

In the 1980s Bandler, Grinder and their group of associates encountered difficulties and stopped working together. Many members of their group went out on their own and took NLP in their own directions. The NLP community grew spectacularly during this period; but not necessarily in terms of quality. Many new questionable NLP schools and companies opened up and greatly altered the field.

Major works by Virginia Satir

Major works by Virginia Satir

A Formação Professional & Self Coaching – PSC oferece ferramentas e técnicas utilizadas na PNL para que o futuro Coach possa comunicar-se de forma ainda mais efetiva com seu cliente.

Grinder foi o responsável por decodificar os padrões linguísticos que geravam as mudanças de comportamento, encontrados nas pesquisas de Bandler, e catalogá-los. Jonh buscou relacionar-se com grandes pensadores da época como: Virgínia Satir, Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson.

They then spent time theorizing that the human brain can learn these behaviors and healthy patterns, and once learned these patterns, the emotional and physical effects would be significant. They decided to call this technique Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). With NLP, the basic premise is that our communication through words and actions reflects a subconscious perception of our world and the problems that we face. If the communication that we use is not accurate, then this often leads us to false perceptions.

Quando surgiu a Neurolinguística?

Programação neurolinguística (PNL) é uma abordagem pseudocientífica que visa aproximar comunicação, desenvolvimento pessoal e psicoterapia criada por Richard Bandler e John Grinder na California, Estados Unidos na década de 1970.

Como surgiu a PNL Programação Neurolinguística?

Também chamado de PNL, o método surgiu na década de 1970, por meio dos estudos de Richard Bandler, à época estudante de Sistemas e Matemática, e John Grinder, estudante de Psicologia e Linguística.

O que diz a Neurolinguística?

A neurolinguística é a parte da ciência que estuda a elaboração cerebral da linguagem. Estuda os mecanismos que suportam a produção, o conhecimento da língua em suas formas e a compreensão, pelo cérebro humano. Trata também a elaboração da linguagem e os distúrbios clínicos originados por conta de suas alterações.

Para que serve neurolinguística?

A Programação Neurolinguística, conhecida como PNL, é uma técnica criada para entender o processo da mente, provocar mudanças e alcançar resultados positivos. ... Dessa forma, a PNL possibilita ampliar o autoconhecimento e reprogramar a mente para melhorar a vida pessoal, profissional e familiar.

Quais são as técnicas de rapport?

Algumas técnicas de rapport são: sorrir, tratar o outro pelo nome, ser otimista, paciente, e sempre buscar conexões, ou seja, coisas que você e a outra pessoa podem ter em comum.

O que é o PNL?

Traduzida do termo inglês Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)A sigla PNL significa Programação Neurolinguística. É uma atitude, metodologia e tecnologia que proporciona as pessoas a aprender a melhorar sua qualidade de vida.

O que é sessão de PNL?

O que é Programação Neurolinguística A Programação Neurolinguística, conhecida como PNL, é uma técnica criada para entender o processo da mente, provocar mudanças e alcançar resultados positivos.