Quem O Grupo Ptria?

Quem o grupo Ptria

O Pátria é uma gestora líder em investimentos alternativos na América Latina, com 35 anos de história, com um total de ativos combinados sob gestão de mais de R$ 140 bilhões e presença global com escritórios em dez cidades, em quatro continentes. O Pátria busca retornos consistentes em atraentes oportunidades de investimentos de longo prazo que permitem diversificação do portfólio por meio de seus produtos de Private Equity, Infraestrutura, Crédito, Public Equities, Real Estate, Growth Equities e Venture Capital. Por meio de seus investimentos, o Pátria busca transformar indústrias e desobstruir gargalos da economia, gerando retornos atrativos para seus investidores, ao mesmo tempo em que cria valor sustentável para a sociedade.

Our Timeline

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Norberto Jannuzzi is a Partner & Head of Private Equity Healthcare Strategy Brazil. Mr. Jannuzzi is primarily responsible for managing funds and investments in the Private Equity business unit since 2011, responsible for several investments in funds IV, V and VI including Elfa, Natulab, Eve and Atrial. He was also CFO and CTO for Healthcare portfolio companies between 2012-2016. Norberto joined Patria in 2011 and became a partner in 2019. Prior to joining Patria, Mr. Jannuzzi was an investment lead at HAL Investments (Dutch Private Equity) based in its Latin America Office and was responsible for investments in the Healthcare and Retail market. Earlier in his career Mr. Jannuzzi was a Business Development head at Novo Nordisk Pharma (NVO) for Latin America between 2006 and 2009. Mr. Jannuzzi started his professional career as a management consultant at Accenture, focused on strategy projects and based in London and São Paulo between 2003 and 2006. Mr. Jannuzzi holds a bachelor’s degree with honors in Business Administration from the University of Bath/U.K. (1999-2003).

Fale conosco

Fale conosco

Felipe Pinto is a Partner & Head of Infrastructure Brazil. He is primarily responsible for managing funds and investments in infrastructure business unit as well as new investments in Brazil. Mr. Pinto also holds board member positions at Odata, Entrevias, Vogel and Winity.  Before joining Patria, Mr. Pinto spent three years at Cargill. There, he was responsible for business development at Cargill in South America. While in this position he designed and executed Cargill’s entry strategy in the corn milling business in Argentina. Later, Mr. Pinto became a senior line executive, where he was primarily responsible for one of Cargill´s businesses in Brazil. Prior to Cargill, Mr. Pinto worked at Bain & Company in the São Paulo and Johannesburg offices. Mr. Pinto advised leading local and multinational companies in connection with the design of growth strategies, business unit strategies, cost reduction and turnaround programs. Mr. Pinto earned a B.A. in Business Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), a Certificate of Special Studies in Management from Harvard University and an M.B.A. from Insead Business School in France.

O Pátria, em comunicado sobre as compras, explica que as duas empresas adquiridas já operam há mais de 20 anos no setor e contam com um portfolio de inovações e soluções para a prevenção dos mais diversos crimes virtuais, principalmente no contexto da América Latina, e especialmente do Brasil, que hoje é a quinta nação que mais sofre com crimes virtuais, segundo pesquisa da Roland Berger.


Mr. Saigh holds a bachelor’s degree in Financial Management and Hotel Administration from Boston University, a Post-Graduate Certificate of Special Studies in Administration and Management from Harvard University and is registered and authorized by the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Fernanda Garrelhas is a Patria Partner. Ms. Garrelhas is primarily responsible for the M&A projects for Patria’s invested companies. Before that, Ms. Garrelhas worked in new business developments, focused on investing Fund V between 2015 and 2017, and from 2012 to 2014, Ms. Garrelhas was the Chief Financial Officer of Junior Alimentos. Previously, she was part of the private equity new business team. Ms. Garrelhas also worked as a financial manager and controller of Veloce and as a member of the M&A team of Anhanguera Educacional.  Additionally, Ms. Garrelhas worked at Anhembi Morumbi as a business analyst. Prior to joining Patria, Ms. Garrelhas worked at Banco Santander’s asset management division, as an analyst. Fernanda holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Production Engineering from both Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and École Centrale de Lyon.

Ms. Ana Russo is a seasoned finance and business executive with significant global experience. She has broad finance expertise, having managed a full range of finance functions throughout her career, as a department head and Brazil CFO (for Philip Morris International and earlier in her career with Remy Cointreau and Unilever) and Central America & Caribbean and Latin America & Canada CFO (for Philip Morris International), as well as Chief Auditor for the same company. She also has developed a deep connection with business processes, acting as a Business Partner to division leaders and GMs, and also managing a full P&L as GM of Central America & Caribbean. Ms. Russo also has a meaningful experience dealing with distribution processes, government relations, and mergers and acquisitions.



Luis Felipe Cruz is Partner & Head of Private Equity Brazil New Investments. Mr. Cruz primarily responsibility is to manage and supervise the new investments activities in the Private Equity business unit in Brazil. Mr. Cruz joined Patria in 2010 and became a partner in 2019. Since joining Patria in 2010, Mr. Cruz has been involved in several investments across different industries. He started as a member of Anhanguera’s M&A team, then becoming Business Development Director of Microlins until its divestment in 2010. Since then, he has led the Private Equity Investment team in over 80 deals.  Additionally, he has served as board member of various portfolio companies, including Alliar and Alper Seguros. Luis Felipe Cruz holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).

Os problemas dos clientes começaram em 2012, quando o Pátria lançou o Pátria Special Opportunities I, um fundo que levantou R$ 1 bilhão com investidores e captou mais R$ 1 bi em dívida para investir no setor de shopping centers.

Gil Karsten is a Partner & Private Equity Divestment Latam. Mr. Karsten is primarily responsible for the Divestment process of all the Private Equity portfolio companies. In addition, Mr. Karsten is also a board member of the current portfolio companies of the Food & Beverages vertical: Delly´s, Superfrio, Frooty and Gran Coffee. Prior to this, Mr. Karsten managed a portfolio of companies in the same Food & Beverages vertical and worked on new business efforts in Patria’s Private Equity. In the beginning of his carrrer at Patria, Mr. Karsten acted as Chief Operating Officer at LFG, a business unit of Anhanguera. Before joining Patria in 2008, Mr. Karsten worked for 5 years as Chief Operating Officer of a leading Brazilian retail company and as Export Director of a large Consumer Goods company. Mr. Karsten worked for more than 8 years in investment banking, at JPMorgan in New York and São Paulo and at Banco Patrimônio. Mr. Karsten holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) and a MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.

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Olimpio Matarazzo Neto is one of our founding partners, Chairman of our Board of Directors, member of our Board of Directors since 2010 and Chairman of our executive-level Real Estate and Credit Investment and Divestment Committee. Mr. Matarazzo is also a Senior Managing Partner of Patria Investments Limited and an Executive Director of Patria Holdings Limited. He is responsible to set the strategy and oversee it execution, ensuring the organization meets compliance, risk and regulation standards. Throughout his career Mr. Matarazzo acted in different functions within Patria, being primarily responsible for the development of our Real Estate, Credit and Constructivist Equity strategies. Mr. Matarazzo was a founding partner of Patria in 2001 (successor of Banco Patrimônio), developing and leading the efforts to make Patria one of the leading private markets firms in Latin America. Mr. Matarazzo was also one of the founders of  Banco Patrimônio in 1988 and led its capital markets and proprietary desks, as well as the relationship with Salomon Brothers’ fixed income desk. After the sale of Patrimônio to Chase Manhattan in 1999, Mr. Matarazzo spent two years at Chase Manhattan where he was co-responsible for its proprietary and capital markets desks in Brazil. Prior to founding Patrimônio, Mr. Matarazzo worked at J.P. Morgan. Mr. Matarazzo holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

Últimos conteúdos

​Um dos maiores parques de energia solar da América Latina foi criado por uma empresa do nosso portfólio e conta com tamanho equivalente a 1.000 campos de futebol. Esse é o jeito Pátria de gerar valor para o Brasil: atrair investimentos para desenvolver setores.

Roberto Cerdeira is a Patria Partner. Mr. Cerdeira is primarily responsible for the logistics and transportation are for the Infrastructure business unit. Mr. Cerdeira is responsible for new business efforts within these sectors and for overseeing several portfolio companies of Patria’s Infrastructure’s Funds. Mr. Cerdeira is currently a board member at Hidrovias do Brasil, Pare Bem, CBO, Entrevias, EIXO-SP and CART.  Before that, Mr. Cerdeira served as a Principal and Investment Officer. Prior to joining Patria in 2011, Mr. Cerdeira worked in M&A and Private Equity with experience in logistics, water treatment, energy and financial services. Mr. Cerdeira earned a B.A. in Business Administration from PUC-Rio and an MBA from London Business School.

O que é um fundo Pipe?

O mercado brasileiro de fundos de "pipe" - sigla em inglês para "private investment in public equity" - tem ganhado novos participantes e produtos. ... O objetivo do fundo é investir em empresas médias, com capitalização de mercado entre R$ 300 milhões e R$ 2 bilhões.

Qual a noção é o conceito de pátria?

Pátria (do latim "patriota", terra paterna) indica a terra natal ou adotiva de um ser humano, que se sente ligado por vínculos afetivos, culturais, valores e história.

Quem pode investir em private equity?

O que é Private Equity Esse investimento pode ser feito tanto por investidores particulares como por empresas, instituições ou fundos de investimentos. Normalmente, esse aporte de dinheiro é feito através de um fundo de investimento, o chamado fundo Private Equity.

Quais as características dos fundos private equity e como são feitas suas operações?

O private equity é um tipo de aplicação que pode ser feita diretamente por empresas, instituições, fundos de investimento ou até mesmo investidores individuais. Através deste investimento, as empresas recebem uma aporte de capital privado para financiar suas operações.

O que faz parte da nossa pátria?

Art 1º - São Símbolos Nacionais, e inalteráveis: A BANDEIRA NACIONAL, o HINO NACIONAL, as ARMAS NACIONAIS e o SÊLO NACIONAL. A BANDEIRA é o retrato e o HINO é a voz sacrossanta da Pátria, síntese, ambos, dos nossos ideais de brasileiros.

Qual é a pátria do Brasil?

Foi no dia sete de setembro de 1822, às margens do riacho do Ipiranga, que o Imperador Dom Pedro I proclamou a Independência do Brasil formalizando a separação com Portugal.

Qual o conceito de povo de exemplo?

Vejamos. Povo é o conjunto de indivíduos, ligados a um determinado território por um vínculo chamado nacionalidade. No conceito de povo estão incluídos os brasileiros natos e naturalizados. Distingue-se do conceito de população, pois neste incluem-se, além dos natos e naturalizados, os estrangeiros e os apátridas.

Qual a diferença entre o conceito de povo e nação?

Uma nação é constituída por uma população que partilha a mesma origem, língua, religião e/ou cultura, ou seja, são pessoas que possuem uma história e identidade comuns. O conceito de nação, portanto, é mais amplo e complexo do que o conceito de povo. ... Assim, um mesmo país pode abrigar nações distintas.

O que é fundo de Private Equity?

Fundos de private equity, são aqueles que investem em empresas não listadas na bolsa, participando ativamente de sua gestão com o objetivo de desenvolvê-las para posteriormente realizar o desinvestimento com ganhos.

Como funcionam os fundos de Private Equity?

O fundo Private Equity funciona como um fundo de investimentos no qual os investidores se tornam cotistas e participam das vantagens dessa aplicação. ... Por isso, a maioria das companhias que aceita investimentos desse tipo são negócios de médio porte, focados na busca por crescimento.

O que é uma operação de equity?

Equity corresponde ao patrimônio líquido, a diferença de todos os ativos menos as suas obrigações. ... Equity também pode corresponder às ações ou quotas de uma empresa não disponíveis na bolsa de valores mobiliários. São as chamadas private equity, negociadas entre os fundos de investimento privados.

Quais são os outros símbolos da nossa pátria?

Descritos na Constituição Federal, os quatro símbolos oficiais do Brasil são: a Bandeira Nacional, o Hino Nacional, as Armas Nacionais (ou Brasão Nacional) e o Selo Nacional.

Quais são os símbolos que representam a nossa pátria?

Art 1º - São Símbolos Nacionais, e inalteráveis: A BANDEIRA NACIONAL, o HINO NACIONAL, as ARMAS NACIONAIS e o SÊLO NACIONAL. A BANDEIRA é o retrato e o HINO é a voz sacrossanta da Pátria, síntese, ambos, dos nossos ideais de brasileiros.

O que é nossa pátria?

Pátria (do latim "patriota", terra paterna) indica a terra natal ou adotiva de um ser humano, que se sente ligado por vínculos afetivos, culturais, valores e história. ... Mas, quando, além deste quadro geográfico, se inserem elementos de história, tradição e sangue, o país passa a pátria, à terra e aos seus mortos.