Who Was The Most Popular Backstreet Boy?

Who was the most popular Backstreet Boy?

Because watching this movie as an adult makes one thing in particular totally, startlingly clear: Kevin Richardson is, and always was, the hottest Backstreet Boy.

How old are the Backstreet Boys now?

Born on 3 October 1971, Kevin is currently 47 years of age. The 6ft 2 singer would have turned 22 the year Backstreet Boys formed. Born on 28 January 1980, Nick is the youngest member of the group at 38 years of age. Nick would've been just 13 the year the band got together.

Who was the lead singer of The Backstreet Boy?

Brian Thomas Littrell Brian Thomas Littrell (born Febru) is an American singer, songwriter and actor, best known as a member of the vocal group the Backstreet Boys....15 more rows

Who sold more BSB or NSYNC?

And let's be real here—the Backstreet Boys are the best-selling boy band of all-time. The group has topped $165 million in record sales worldwide. NSYNC also made it into the top 10, ranking at #7.

Who is the least favorite Backstreet Boy?

McLean had bad-boy energy, and, at least according to The Cut, Richardson is actually the hottest member because he looks good with or without facial hair. That leaves Dorough, who is sometimes considered the least popular member of the Backstreet Boys, despite his talents and good looks.

Who is the oldest Nsync member?

Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick (born Octo) is an American singer, dancer, songwriter, music producer, and occasional actor, who is best known for his work as the founding member of the pop group NSYNC, in which he sang countertenor....Filmography.14 more rows

Who was the best singer in nsync?

It's JC's 40th, and even Justin Timberlake is edging towards the truth: Chasez was the best *NSYNC-er of the bunch. He had a Broadway calibre voice, threw down his dance moves without a hint of irony, and did not have weird gelled curls atop his beautiful head. He sang like an angel.

Who is the richest member of NSYNC?

Chris Kirkpatrick Net Worth1 more row

Who sold more NSYNC or Backstreet?

Backstreet Boys and NSYNC became the two biggest boy bands in the late 1990s until the early 2000s, and Backstreet Boys went on to become the best-selling boy band in history with over 100 million records sold.

Why did Justin Timberlake go solo?

The "Can't Stop the Feeling!" singer added that he had always intended to pursue a solo career, noting, "when I was ten years old, my dream was to have my own record." At the time, the singer had told The New York Post that he felt he could be a part of *NSYNC and release his own music.

Who sold more backstreet or NSYNC?

The group had a lot more longevity than NSYNC. And let's be real here—the Backstreet Boys are the best-selling boy band of all-time. The group has topped $165 million in record sales worldwide. NSYNC also made it into the top 10, ranking at #7.

Who is worth more NSYNC or Backstreet?

Justin Timberlake rounds out the list of all the members of N'Sync and Backstreet Boys, as he's the one with the highest net worth out of everyone with $250 million. Out of everyone, Justin also had the most successful career after N'Sync called it quits.

Who is the richest boy in the world?

The richest kid in the world is Prince George Alexander Louis who is worth approximately $1 billion dollars as of today. Born on J, Prince George is also known as Prince George of Cambridge, who is the richest person in the world.

Why did NSYNC break up?

Following the tour, the group went on a hiatus to allow for time off and at the suggestion of Timberlake, who was interested in recording a solo album. While the hiatus was initially meant to be temporary, the group never recorded music or toured together again.