What Is An Embedded Question Example?

What is an embedded question example? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

What is an embedded question example?

The embedded question is a noun clause and can be used in a similar way to a noun. For example, we can use it as the subject or the object of the main clause. ... Embedded question in a statement: I don't know where she works. (Here 'where she works' is the object.)

What is embedded question in English grammar?

An embedded question is a question that is included inside another question or statement. They are common after introductory phrases, such as: I wonder. Could you tell me.

Which is an embedded sentence?

An embedded clause is another way of using a subordinate clause, but in the middle of a sentence. It becomes embedded in the sentence. Usually, this clause will be separated by two commas, one before and one after. Josh, who was feeling tired, walked home slowly.

What is embedded statement?

Embedding a statement in an application program Such statements are said to be embedded in the program. An embedded statement can be placed anywhere in the program where a host language statement is allowed.

What are included questions?

by BISMO0. A sentence that tells us something is a statement. But sometimes we include a question into statement, in order to ask for information indirectly or when we report question. This is called included question into statement.