Was Emily Pregnant In Pretty Little Liars?

Was Emily pregnant in Pretty Little Liars? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Was Emily pregnant in Pretty Little Liars?

In "Twisted" it is revealed that Emily was pregnant with Isaac's child. She hid in her sister's college dorm and worked at a restaurant that provided health insurance. During the summer she found a family who adopt the baby. But then she met Gayle Riggs, a woman who would pay for Emily to give her baby to her.

What is wrong with Emily in season 6?

We still don't know what is wrong with Emily, but in a visit to her father's grave, she reveals that after he died, she struggled in school. After failing two classes, Emily lost her scholarship.

Why do Emily and Alison get divorced?

Not only was Emily listed as the “petitioner,” meaning she initiated the divorce process, but the on-record reason for the split was that “this marriage is irrevocably broken.