Quando Começa As Inscriçes Do CPA?

Quando começa as inscriçes do CPA

A pessoa interessada deve acessar o site, realizar o cadastro para obter login e senha de acesso ao Sistema SIGECON, preencher o cadastro e questionário socioeconômico, indicar o tipo de solicitação e anexar os documentos. Após análise e validação, a SEC irá liberar o ambiente de agendamento das provas de certificação, que começarão a ser aplicadas a partir de 09 de maio de 2022.

If you pass and retain credit for all four CPA Exam sections by December 31, 2023, the changes to the CPA Exam and its future administration will NOT impact your journey. If you will still be working your way through the CPA Exam in January 2024 and beyond, then the information about the CPA Evolution-aligned CPA Exam (the 2024 Exam) and its administration are most important to understand.  

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If you’d like to study solo, find a quiet, dedicated space for sessions and make room in your schedule for several hours of exam preparation each week. Consider getting support from a trusted colleague or mentor when necessary.

Qualifying for CPA licensure includes two main credentials. First, you will need at least a four-year bachelor's degree and additional credits. Some candidates complete graduate degrees or a certificate to fulfill the educational requirements. Second, you must achieve certification by passing the CPA exam.

Quando volta o CPA?

Quando volta o CPA?

The REG section explores tax laws for businesses and individuals within the United States, ensuring that CPA candidates understand the significance of and procedures for compliance. Candidates work with taxation technology and resources to analyze data and determine the correct processes for accuracy and completeness.

Collaborate with your study group members to decide which materials you’ll use, whether you’ll host meetings in person or online, and how often you’ll study so everyone can stay on track.

Amy Boyington is an Ohio-based freelance writer with degrees in English and education. As a lifelong learner herself, Amy enjoys researching and writing about colleges, degrees, and careers to help others navigate their educational paths.


Conversely, Boards of Accountancy will also need to establish initial application acceptance dates for discipline sections: Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR), Information Systems and Controls (ISC), and Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP). Authorizations to Test and Notices to Schedule for BAR, ISC and TCP will not be processed by NASBA’s Gateway system until November 22, 2023. These initial acceptance dates are also yet to be determined and will be published on NASBA’s website once they become available, and shared by each Board of Accountancy.

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) is a valuable resource for accountants planning to pursue licensure. NASBA offers information and links to the 55 jurisdictional accountancy boards that operate in the United States. Consult the board specific to the jurisdiction where you plan to work for details on local licensure requirements.



Earning the CPA credential opens doors to high-paying, advanced accounting careers in numerous industries. The 2024 CPA exam comes with a few changes compared to previous years, so make sure to stay in the know if you plan to sit for the exam in or after 2024. We’ve outlined the new exam here to help you research and prepare.

A CPA license is the accounting profession’s highest standard of competence, a symbol of achievement and assurance of quality. Whether you are licensed or soon-to-be licensed, NASBA provides information and resources you need to earn and maintain the respected CPA credential.

Recommended Reading

Those wondering how to become a CPA should understand the path is not easy. Historical pass rates sit around 50% for each of the four sections on the CPA exam.

Still, test takers must complete and pass all four sections within 18 months—usually beginning on the day a candidate takes their first passed section—to pass the exam. We explore the four sections in detail below.

For some accounting professionals, the challenging path is worth the rewards. For others, the necessary effort does not make sense in the context of their overall career goals.

How To Study for the CPA Exam

We don’t blame you. After all, the pass rates for each exam section range from about 40% to 60%, according to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA®)—not the best prognosis. The CPA exam is difficult and time-consuming, but passing it is the most important step of CPA licensure. And at the end of the day, becoming a CPA is worth it to many professionals.

If you’re on your way to becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), you might be losing some sleep over the Uniform CPA Examination®.

It’s never been a more exciting time to pursue the CPA license. The role of today’s CPA has evolved, and newly licensed CPAs are taking on increased responsibilities that were traditionally assigned to more experienced staff. Becoming a CPA means you’ll need great skill sets and competencies, and a greater knowledge of emerging technologies. That is why the CPA Evolution initiative is underway. 

Como agendar prova CPA 20?

CPAs hold professional licenses that boost their employability and elevate their prestige. The designation may open doors to a broader range of professional opportunities. It can also boost earning potential, improve job security, and allow access to higher-level roles.

As we get closer to 2024, new information is being made available to help candidates plan their testing schedules in 2023 and into 2024. The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) are now releasing tentative application information and testing schedules for late 2023 and tentative testing and score release schedules for 2024. It is important to note that these dates are not yet final but are being provided as early as possible to help candidates consider their testing plans. 

A CPA is a licensed provider of professional accounting and financial management services. Their main duties include preparing financial statements and tax returns, performing audits, and advising employers or clients on financial decisions.

Como fazer o CPA em Salvador?

  • Núcleos de atuação.
  • Centro Juvenil Salvador.
  • Centro Juvenil Senhor do Bonfim.
  • Centro Juvenil Vitória da Conquista.
  • Centro Juvenil Itabuna.
  • Centro Juvenil Barreiras.
  • Documentos.

Que dia é a prova do CPA 2021?

Divulgação dos 1.500 selecionados para o curso da plataforma Edgar Abreu: 27/09/2021. Envio do Curso preparatório: 27/09/2021 à 03/10/2021. Tempo para conclusão do curso: 02 meses a partir da data de liberação do curso. Divulgação e aceite dos 500 selecionados para prova custeada pelo Santander: 13/12/2021 à 20/12/2021.

Como funciona o CPA Ensino Médio?

No caso dos exames de certificação do CPA, será exigido o mínimo de cinco pontos em cada área do conhecimento. Já em relação ao aproveitamento com base no histórico escolar, serão utilizadas as médias das séries anteriores, por área de conhecimento, e os resultados nos simulados coordenados pela SEC.

Quando começam as inscrições para o CPA 2021?

O Santander arcará com o custo da prova de certificação dos 500 alunos que tiverem o melhor desempenho durante o curso. PROCESSO SELETIVO: Inscrições: 09/08/2021 à 20/09/2021. Curso Próximo Passo: 09/08/2021 à 20/09/2021.

Quanto custa a prova de cpa-20?

R$ 321,00 Para o Exame de Atualização CPA-20 o valor é de R$ 321,00 (trezentos e vinte e um reais) e para o Exame de Atualização CPA-10 é R$ 244,00 (duzentos e quarenta e quatro reais).

O que é certificação CPA-10 ou 20?

De forma bem resumida, podemos dizer que a CPA-10 é a porta de entrada para a prospecção ou venda de produtos de investimento diretamente para o público. Já a CPA-20 foca na manutenção da carteira de clientes dos segmentos de alta renda, private banking, corporate e investidores institucionais.

Como é a prova do EJA?

O EJA (Educação para Jovens e Adultos) é uma prova gratuita e voluntária que acontece anualmente em colaboração com as secretarias estaduais e municipais da educação. ... A prova é gratuita e oferecida pelo governo por meio do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep).

Quando vai começar as inscrições do Encceja 2021?

de 11 a 22 de janeiro de 2021 É o exame Nacional destinado aos jovens e adultos residentes no Brasil e no exterior, inclusive às pessoas privadas de liberdade, que não tiveram oportunidade de concluir seus estudos na idade apropriada, a participação é voluntária e gratuita. O período de inscrição ocorreu de 11 a 22 de janeiro de 2021.

Como se inscrever no CPA 2020?

Para se inscrever, os candidatos deverão anexar os seguintes documentos:
  1. atestado de escolaridade (expedido pela unidade escolar na qual o estudante estava.
  2. matriculado na condição de concluinte do ano letivo de 2020);
  3. uma fotografia frontal e recente do rosto, no tamanho de 3 x 4 cm;
  4. uma cópia do RG e uma cópia do CPF;
Mais itens...•26 de jul. de 2021

Como agendar prova cpa-20?

Como agendar prova CPA 20?
  1. Acesse o site da ANBIMA. Você sabe o que é a ANBIMA, certo? ...
  2. Inscreva-se na prova. Na página clique em “Inscreva-se na CPA-20” e depois em “Inscreva-se” novamente. ...
  3. Agende seu exame.
10 de jul. de 2019