Is There Going To Be A MIB International 2?

Is there going to be a MIB International 2?

Production of MIB: International was first announced in February 2018, followed by filming between July and October of the same year. It was set to drop in theatres on , before being pushed to June 14. If a sequel is confirmed in February of next year, then we're likely looking at a 2021 release.

Do I need to watch MIB before MIB International?

Do You Need To Watch Men In Black Movies In Order? Men In Black movies are connected, but this is not extremely important to watch them in order. Accept the fact that you will understand the story and plot better if you watch them in order.

Will MIB International be on Netflix?

Sorry, Men in Black: International is not available on American Netflix, but you can unlock it right now in the USA and start watching! With a few simple steps you can change your Netflix region to a country like Canada and start watching Canadian Netflix, which includes Men in Black: International.

Why did Will Smith leave MIB?

Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones cameoing was apparently decided against because they knew their inclusion would have fans hungry for more from them. It does show some lack of confidence on their part to say this.

What happened to K and J in MIB International?

During the MIB: International premiere, producer Laurie MacDonald told Variety (via Digital Spy) that the filmmakers felt the story arc for J and K was complete. ... Instead, things went in a different direction and International came about instead with brand new stars.

Does Will Smith appear in MIB International?

While there are no surprise cameo appearances for Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones' original agents, last seen in 2012's Men in Black 3, the two characters do get a subtle shout-out during the film.

Are MIB movies connected?

'MIB: International' Is Basically A Reboot, But There Are Some Easter Eggs For Fans. ... But while they're essentially replacing Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith, there's no direct connection between these new characters and the old duo, other than the fact that they're all Men in Black.

What happens at the end of MIB International?

Agent H & M Are Split Up At The End Of Men In Black: International. With the Hive invasion stopped and High T dead, the last few minutes of MIB: International then splits up Agents H and M. After only being sent to London on a probationary period, Agent O makes M an official agent with her own neuralyzer.

Who is the mole in MIB International?

He is portrayed by Liam Neeson.

Does MIB International have a post credit scene?

The latest entry in the MiB series has arrived. But does it tease anything during the credits? ... Then the answer is: No, Men in Black: International does not have any extra scenes after the credits.

Who are the bad guys in MIB International?

The Twins are the secondary antagonists of the 2019 sci-fi film Men in Black: International. They are a pair of Diadnum alien twins who can manifest as pure energy. They were portrayed by Laurent and Larry Bourgeois.

Is there romance in MIB International?

Thompson said that she got behind this reboot of Men in Black because, compared to the original, this film presents the world with a modern sensibility thanks to a female lead and a male/female pairing that presents them as equals and without a hint of romance.