What Happens If You Eat A Bad Egg?

What happens if you eat a bad egg?

Summary. When eggs spoil, they begin to smell bad, and the yolk and egg white may become discolored. ... The main risk of eating bad eggs is Salmonella infection, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.

Which Pokemon has the shortest egg cycle?


Should I evolve a lucky Pokemon?

Yes. Evolving a Lucking pokemon will give you an evolved Lucky Pokemon. You won't lose the *Lucky* quality. Here are a few pokemons that I have received them as lucky and evolved them to their highest evolution.

Can you improve a Pokemon's IV?

The only way to increase the IVs of an individual Pokemon is to first complete the game's main story and unlock the Battle Tower. If you have an item called a Bottle Cap or a Gold Bottle Cap, you will be able to exchange it to increase your Pokemon's IVs through Hyper Training.

What's more important IV or CP?

As explained by RustyMembers the IV is by far more important than the CP of a Pokemon. ... Each type of Pokemon has a base set of attributes for Stamina, Attack and Defence. Each specific Pokemon is "born" with it's own IV (individual values), that further increase these stats by 0-15 extra points.

Does trading increase IV?

IVs, HP and CP change when trading, but moves, gender and size of the traded Pokemon stay the same. Be careful: Pokemon Level can also change!

Does friendship level affect IV?

Niantic says that after a trade, the pokémon's IVs will be rerolled. The new values will be within a range of the old IVs, and the friendship level will affect the final IVs.

Does friendship level affect Lucky Pokemon?

My guess is that no, as long as you trade an old pokemon with someone, you will get at least 66% IV regardless of friendship level.

Can you trade a perfect IV Pokemon?

Yes, it does. Trading Pokemon between friends is a great way to increase the odds of finding perfect IVs. It's also a good way to boost IVs, too. With that said, the odds still aren't great, and depend on your level of friendship.

Does changing attacks change IV?

The short answer to your question is no, changing moves has no effect the Pokémon's IV, the IV value is fixed, and it is the 3 hidden stats Attack, Defence, Stamina (they can now be seen through the appraisal system.

Is it better to evolve higher CP or IV?

It depends. IV corresponds to max CP. So if you evolve the eevee with higher CP then it will also have higher CP post evolution, but it's maximum CP will be lower. If you plan on pumping lots of stardust/candies into this pokemon then you should choose the higher IV with the higher max.

Should I evolve perfect IV Pokemon?

If you have a Pokemon that is in the highest or second highest IV tier, it really is not that far away from perfect Max CP. So evolving a Pokemon with IV's in the first or second tier is a good idea, you don't need to wait for the perfect IV's. Never power up a Pokémon before evolving it!

Is it better to evolve or power up first?

Should you evolve first, or power up first? Evolve first, power up second. It's tempting to power up first, because instant gratification is instant, but it'll cost you less Stardust in the long run to evolve and the strategically power up only your best or favorite Pokémon.

Should I max out CP before evolving?

Since CP increases from power ups are also proportional across evolutions, you'll get the same results for the same amount of stardust and candies whether you power up the Pokemon before or after evolving it. It should make no difference at all.

What is the best Pokemon to evolve?

Here are the Best Pokémon in Pokémon Go:

  1. Dragonite. #149. Type: Dragon/Flying.
  2. Snorlax. #143. Type: Normal. ...
  3. Lapras. #131. Type: Water/Ice. ...
  4. Arcanine. #59. Type: Fire. ...
  5. Exeggutor. #103. Type: Grass/Psychic. ...
  6. Blastoise. #9. Type: Water. ...
  7. Vaporeon. #134. Type: Water. ...
  8. Gyrados. #130. Type: Water/Flying. ...

What is the strongest Pokemon in go?

Strongest Pokémon in Pokémon Go: Best overall

  • Tyranitar.
  • Dragonite.
  • Snorlax.
  • Rhydon.
  • Gyarados.
  • Blissey.
  • Vaporeon.
  • Donphan.