O açaí (Euterpe oleracea) é uma das plantas medicinais mais importantes da Amazônia e sempre foi uma importante fonte de alimento para as populações indígenas e ribeirinhas do Brasil. É conhecido nos Estados Unidos como acai berry e Amazon palm berry.
Values obtained are presented as the means ± standard deviation (variables with normal distribution) or median and 25 and 75% quartile (variables with non-normal distribution). Normality was verified by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Comparisons between the groups were performed with a non-pared Student’s t-test (variables with normal distribution) or Mann-Whitney test (variables with non-normal distribution). Statistical analysis was carried out by use of the SigmaStat software, considering significance level at 5% for all analyses.
Cardiac toxicity may occur after the administration of some chemotherapy drugs, such as doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and, 5-fluorouracil [55,56,57], with a cumulative incidence of 4.1% at 5 years [57], and is the most serious and lethal adverse effect related to chemotherapeutic drugs [55, 57] responsible for 16.3% of deaths in breast cancer patients [57]. Doxorubicin cardiotoxicity, in a previous study, showed that cytoplasm vacuolization was associated with increased interstitial space in histological analysis of rat myocytes [58]. We found that açaí reduced CK, CKMB, troponin I and C-reactive protein levels, decreased H2AX immunostaining and DNA damage markers, and increased collagen and hydroxyproline production, leading to a reduction in heart tissue damage. In addition, there was no cardiac fibrosis in the histopathological analysis of the heart, and the increased collagen production and antifibrosis effect of açaí remain unclear. It is worth mentioning that in our previous study with the same DMBA-induced breast cancer model [21], we observed in the heart histopathological analysis the presence of cardiac muscle tissue preserved with no morphological difference between the saline and açaí groups, demonstrating that açaí is not cardiotoxic. Importantly, açaí treatment in previous studies decreased the cardiotoxicity promoted by doxorubicin treatment in healthy male Swiss albino mice [32] and prevented left ventricular dysfunction and changes in myocardium metabolism in male Wistar rats [31]. Therefore, to our knowledge, this report is the first study to evaluate the combined use of açaí and FAC-D chemotherapy protocols in a breast cancer experimental model. In this way, we propose that açaí administration results in a suppression of chemotherapy-induced toxicity in heart tissues and may be exploited as a promoter of good health, given that it is a safe, low cost and functional food ingredient for combined cancer treatment with chemotherapy.
Los tikunas utilizan la raíz de la palma de acai, que denominan «huay«, para controlar la fiebre producida por la malaria. La preparan una vez seca, machacada y hervida, y toman tres tazas diarias.
Merece una mención los efectos estimulantes del acai, pues esta es otra de sus cualidades populares. Lo cierto es que no existe ningún estudio científico que corrobore alguna de sus propiedades (Más información)
Conceptualization, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; methodology, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; software, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; validation, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; formal analysis, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; investigation, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; resources, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; data curation, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; writing—original draft preparation, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; writing—review and editing, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; visualization, L.F.L., S.M.B., A.C.A., E.L.G., A.M., G.B. and A.B.; supervision, S.M.B. and A.B.; project administration, S.M.B. and A.B.; funding acquisition, S.M.B. and A.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Wistar rats were assigned to 2 groups: Control (C: receiving standard chow; n = 9) and Açaí (A: receiving standard chow supplemented with 5% açaí; n = 10). After six weeks, the animals were subjected to the global ischemia-reperfusion protocol and an isolated heart study to evaluate left ventricular function. Level of significance adopted: 5%.
Si te animas a plantarla en el jardín, tienes que hacerlo en primavera. En el caso de que esté en maceta, deberás de trasplantarla cuando se le salgan las raíces por los agujeros, o cuando lleve 3-4 años en la misma.
¿No sabes cuándo abonar a tu Euterpe oleracea? Pues bien, se recomienda hacerlo cuando la temperatura mínima se mantiene por encima de los 20ºC, y la máxima igual o por debajo de los 30ºC (o hasta 35ºC, si tiene agua a su disposición).
The leukogram was performed using blood smears, stained (Panotico Fast, Laborclin, Brazil) and viewed under an optic microscope (Nikon, Japan) for differential count of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatinine, urea, creatine kinase (CK) creatine kinase MB (CKMB), and C-reactive protein were evaluated using the respective kits (K048-6, K049-6, K067-1, K056-1, K010, K069 and K059, Bioclin, MG, Brazil, respectively) and cardiac troponin I was determined using kit (Elabscience Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Wuhan, China). All biochemical concentrations were determined according to the instructions for each kit used. The concentration of hydroxyproline in the rat cardiac tissues were measured with an ELISA kit (ab222941 Abcam, Cambridge, UK) following the manufacturer’s protocol.
This work was supported by the Brazilian agencies: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) [E-26/211.209/2021 and E-26/010.002214/2019] and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) [309065/2021-6].
Opte pelo consumo moderado da polpa natural (sem conservantes, açúcar, corantes e outros aditivos). Não complemente o açaí com leite em pó, granola, leite condensado ou coisas do tipo.
Las inflorescencias surgen del capitel, y son de color castaño-blanquecino. Los frutos tienen forma globosa, son de color negro-purpúreo y miden unos 2 centímetros de diámetro.
despite improving energy metabolism and attenuating oxidative stress, açai supplementation did not decrease the infarcted area or improve left ventricular function in the global ischemia-reperfusion model.
Breast cancer was found as a cystic mass with a fibrotic pattern in the mammary gland. The histological analysis showed an invasive carcinoma area in both groups; however, in the saline group, there was a higher presence of inflammatory clusters. No difference was observed regarding body weight, glycaemia, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatinine, and urea in either group. However, açaí treatment decreased creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CKMB), troponin I and C-reactive protein levels and increased the number of neutrophils and monocytes. Heart histopathology showed normal myocardium in the açaí treatment, while the saline group presented higher toxicity effects with loss of architecture of cardiac tissue. Furthermore, the açaí treatment presented greater collagen distribution, increased hydroxyproline concentration and lower H2AX immunostaining in the heart samples.
The experimental protocol of this study was approved by the Ethical Committee on the Use of Animals of the Botucatu Medical School (CEUA 1111/2014), and it is in accordance with the norms established by the National Council of Control of Animal Experimentation.
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O açaí é recomendado para praticantes de atividade física que não querem acumular peso, vez que as propriedades naturais estimulantes que estão presentes na fruta muitas vezes são até mais benéficas do que a ação estimulante de bebidas como o café e outros remédios industrializados. A fruta deixa a pessoa mais fortalecida, revigorada e saciada do ponto de vista da fome, o que fará com que o organismo queime mais calorias, trabalhe por mais tempo e faça menos esforço, ao mesmo tempo que ajuda no ganho de massa muscular magra. Além disso, ajuda na eliminação de resíduos pelo corpo. Contudo, se torna útil quando já existe hábitos saudáveis, incluindo dietas equilibradas combinadas com prática de exercícios físicos.
O açaí é um arbusto perene nativo das floresta tropical Amazônica, com pequenas e redondas frutas roxas, com aparência semelhante as uvas. A semente é muito grande e ocupa a maior parte da fruta. É tradicionalmente servido em cuias (tigelas redondas indígenas), misturado com tapioca, açúcar ou mel. As frutas são liofilizadas e transformadas em pó, sucos, cremes e suplementos nutricionais, vez que é um alimento altamente energético.