Can You Look Up Classic WoW Players?

Can you look up classic WoW players?

You can look up any character in World of Warcraft that is level 10 or higher and view their achievements, equipped gear, item level, talents, and raid progression. You can even check out which mounts or pets they've collected. So why is the Armory not a thing in WoW Classic?

Will World of Warcraft Classic have expansions?

The long-anticipated expansion will land on WoW Classic servers this year. The expansion is due to land sometime in 2021. When WoW: Classic landed in August 2019, nostalgic fans flocked to the servers in droves to relive the beginning of their World of Warcraft experience.

Is Burning Crusade coming to WoW Classic?

Good news! World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic launches on June 1. ... When you log in after that patch is deployed, all players will have to choose whether to continue on into the Burning Crusade or transfer to a special set of servers that will stay locked in vanilla-era WoW where the level cap is still 60.

What expansions are in WoW Classic?

Since launch, World of Warcraft has had eight major expansion packs: The Burning Crusade (2007), Wrath of the Lich King (2008), Cataclysm (2010), Mists of Pandaria (2012), Warlords of Draenor (2014), Legion (2016), Battle for Azeroth (2018), and Shadowlands (2020).

Can I use my old character in WoW Classic?

It is not possible to transfer characters from WoW Classic realms to Burning Crusade Classic realms, or vice-versa. ... The first time you log in with your character in either client, you will be asked if you want to activate it on the Burning Crusade Classic or on WoW Classic. This choice is free.

Will there be a Lich King Classic?

Considering that we are just in the early months of Burning Crusade Classic, I think it might be both premature and presumptuous to be looking forward to a Wrath of the Lich King Classic. But c'mon, we all know it's going to happen most likely in 2023.

How long do WoW characters stay deleted?

Characters between level 10 and level 29 are gone for good after 90 days, while characters between levels 30 and 49 disappear after 120 days. Any character level 50 or above (with the aforementioned Death Knight exception) can be undeleted at any time.

Can I play my classic character in TBC?

And when playing WOW Classic TBC, TBC Classic Gold is the essential element for you! Each character can be unlocked once in “Burning Crusade” or Classic Era for free. If you want to use the same character in both “Burning Crusade” and Classic Era, you can choose the paid “character clone” service.

Do old WoW characters get deleted?

No, they don't delete inactive characters. The character you're posting from is on Ravencrest. Have you logged completely into the character selection for that realm? They won't show on the realm selection screen after being gone for so long.

How long does it take to level to 60 in Classic WoW?

It should take you about a day or two of in-game time to progress from level 50 to 60. That's approximately two or three weeks of real-life time if you play at a casual pace.

What is the hardest class to level in Classic WoW?

The Warrior has a reputation as the hardest class to solo-level. Low mobility combined with the lack of self-healing makes it really hard to pull through gangs of mobs without dying.

What is the best DPS class in WoW Classic?

  • Warrior (S-Tier)
  • Mage (A-Tier)
  • Warlock (A-Tier)
  • Rogue (A-Tier)
  • Hunter (B-Tier)
  • Feral Druid (B-Tier)
  • Shadow Priest (C-Tier)
  • Retribution Paladin (C-Tier)