What Happened In Season 5 Of GREY&039;s Anatomy?

What happened in season 5 of GREY's anatomy?

Alex and Izzie get married. The season ends with a cliffhanger. Izzie codes and George is rushed into a dangerous surgery. While the doctors work to save their lives, Izzie exits an elevator in a dream of some sort and sees George.

What happens in season 5 Episode 9 of GREY's anatomy?

Lexie goes to the cabinet to steal items, where she bumps into Mark. Derek bumps into Mark and Lexie and makes sure he's not hitting on L'il Grey. At the surgery for the appendectomy, Bailey, Meredith and Christina (the lucky ones who got to scrub in) made sure everything is correctly fixed.

Does Izzie get fired in season 5?

Though George dies, Izzie is resuscitated and recovers enough to return to work. Izzie makes a treatment error that endangers the life of a patient, and is fired from the hospital's surgical program.

Does Izzie have cancer in season 5?

Izzie Stevens, on the ABC drama Thursday night – she has a fast moving cancer with a 5 percent survival rate. Izzie, who was having hallucinations of her dead fiance, Denny Duquette (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), earlier in the season, learned the bad news after asking the interns to diagnose a "Patient X."

What happened to Meredith in Season 5?

In the episode, Meredith got off with only a broken pelvis, but on the Office Ladies podcast, it's revealed that the creators actually contemplated killing Meredith off.

What happened between Meredith and Cristina in season 5?

Meredith fights with Derek and Cristina about a death row patient. Meredith shows him compassion, but Derek is angry because a man like him killed his father. Meredith goes to the execution because the man asked her to and Derek picks her up there. She's crying and she won't stop, so he goes and gets Cristina.

WHO calls Meredith death?

Sadie Harris Sadie Harris first appears in the season 5 episode "These Ties That Bind", in which it is made known that she was once a very close friend of Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo). Harris and Meredith Grey had given each other nicknames during an extended vacation in Europe: "Die" and "Death", respectively.

Why did Izzie get fired in season 6?

Izzie went back to work but was fired after giving the wrong dosage of medicine to a patient. From then on, everything went downhill for Izzie, and her appearances in the show became sporadic. Izzie left Seattle to start a new life and later sent divorce papers to Alex Karev.

What is wrong with Meredith's face in the office?

"She gets like sun poisoning and it just gets worse and worse," Kate said. "Every time we have the group weigh-ins, her face just got weirder and weirder, so I'm excited that that will finally be answered."

Did Meredith actually get a Phd?

↑ In "Finale" (Season 9, episodes 24/25), she says that although it was never shown on camera, she received a Ph. D. in School Psychology.

Is Meredith jealous of Christina?

Meredith reveals that she's happy for Cristina's success, but also incredibly jealous. Cristina admits that she's changed in the years since they first started out together, and that it's difficult for her to go after her dreams while “doing [it] alone.” Together, they accept that they've grown apart.

Do Derek and Meredith break up in season 5?

Meredith and Derek end up back together but then break up when Meredith can't commit. ... Meredith reluctantly asks Derek to move in, which he does, but Meredith won't kick out her roommates, Izzie and Alex. They decide to get married but give up their wedding so that Izzie and Alex can get married.

What happened to Callie nose?

Callie was hit in the face by a patient having a night terror. The hit broke her nose, which Mark fixed under conscious sedation.

Why does Derek have a breakdown in season 5?

Derek caused a series of complications by making a mistake in the first surgery and he feels responsible. Meredith says during their clinical trial, they lost a lot of patients. She thinks it changed him in a good way, as he cares more now. Addison just has to trust him.

Does Meredith know DeLuca died?

Meredith does know DeLuca is dead. ... They finally broke the tragic news, and Meredith is weirdly only upset for a few seconds. She then tells them that DeLuca is fine because he's with his mother now, as she clearly remembers their farewell on the beach.