Is It Infront Or In Front?

Is it infront or in front?

In front is correct.

What does infront mean?

1 : in a forward position : in an area at the front of something (such as a car, airplane, theater, etc.) We took turns sitting in front. 2 : in the leading position in a race or competition She's still in front, but the other runners are catching up to her. —often used after out She's still out in front.

Is Infront one word or two?

The only correct form of writing it down is separately: in front. Correct spelling, explanation: in front is a phrase, made of two separate words, which we also write separately: preposition in and noun front (meaning part of something facing forward).

What does the phrase in front of mean?

phrase. If someone or something is in front of a particular thing, they are facing it, ahead of it, or close to the front part of it. She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself.

Why do we say in front of?

At or near the front part of (something). In the presence of, in view of (someone). Not in front of the children! Located before, ahead of, previous to (someone or something).

What is opposite of in front of?

In other words, "in front of" refers to a progression from back to front. Someone who is in front of you is one place or space farther ahead. The antonym of "in front of" is "behind" as these examples show: There are 50 people in front of us in this line.

What is the difference between in front of and in the front of?

In front of means the item is outside something, but in the front of means it is inside. For example, a building can have a front and a back and someone standing before it would be in front of the building. Someone standing inside the building but in the front half, would be in the front of the building.

Where is the front of a word?

The word front is most commonly used as a noun and in expressions like in front of. It does, however, function in two other ways – as a verb and as an adjective. As a verb, front means to be the leader or main representative of a group.

What is the difference between before and in front of?

Using the word idiomatic in its other main sense now (in common use in the common register), in front of is the more idiomatic of the two choices - before sounds rather poetic, of a slightly refined register. Both are correct and mean the same thing. Here before simply means in front of.

Is in front of a phrase?

The prepositional expression in front of means 'close to the front of something or someone'. It is the opposite of behind: A really tall man was sitting in front of me and I couldn't see the screen properly. or I was sitting behind a really tall man and I couldn't see the screen properly.

How do you use front of?

The prepositional expression in front of means 'close to the front of something or someone'. It is the opposite of behind: A really tall man was sitting in front of me and I couldn't see the screen properly. or I was sitting behind a really tall man and I couldn't see the screen properly.

Is opposite the same as in front of?

Opposite as a preposition means 'in a position facing someone or something but on the other side': Jake sat opposite Claire in the restaurant. ... In front of as a preposition means 'close to the front of something or someone': There was a woman in front of me in the bus queue who was crying.

What is the meaning of front type?

1. typeface - a specific size and style of type within a type family. font, fount, face, case. type - printed characters; "small type is hard to read" type family - a complete set of type suitable for printing text.

What is the other name of front?

What is another word for front?4 more rows

Does before mean in front?

The word "before" means both "in front of" and "prior to".

What does one placed in front mean?

in a situation where someone is watching you do something. The match took place in front of a crowd of 60,000 people. Synonyms and related words.

What does it mean to get out in front of something?

"Get out in front of something" means to move so that you are in front of something. The "out" means "not hidden", really.

What is the opposite of front of?

Antonym of In Front Of

What is an example of a front?

An example of front is the part of the head with the eyes, nose and mouth on it. The definition of front is located in the forward position. An example of front used as an adjective is the phrase "front yard" which means the yard facing the street at someone's house. The forward part or surface, as of a building.

How do you use opposite in front of?

"Opposite" is on the other side of something - a street, a geometric figure, a space ... For example, two buildings on opposite sides of a street; the opposite side of the park. "In front of" usually implies close and at the front.