Where Did Steven Go In The Finale?

Where did Steven go in the finale?

Beach City In the finale, Steven finally decides to leave Beach City, but he worries that Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl won't miss him after his departure.

Is Steven Universe really over?

During an interview with Rebecca Sugar with Polygon following Steven Universe Future's finale, she stated “There is no official continuation in development at this time.”

Has Steven Universe future ended?

Ma Steven Universe Future/Final episode date

How does the Steven Universe movie end?

At the end of Steven Universe: The Movie – after restoring Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl's memories – Steven realizes the reason his own powers haven't come back is that he's too focused on his own happy ending, neglecting the fact he'll always have work to do as a Crystal Gem.

Do Connie and Steven stay together?

Although Connie had kissed him on the cheek before and Steven has voiced his hopes that one day they'll end up married, the first full kiss shared between the pair (along with their plans to apparently stay in direct contact throughout her time at college and his travels) confirms that the pair are fully together.

Who is the strongest crystal Gem?

Garnet is currently the strongest active Crystal Gem. During the Homeworld Gems' arrival in "The Return" and "Jailbreak", Garnet did most of the heavy lifting as she was the only one capable of keeping Jasper at bay. Even Amethyst states in "Cry for Help", that she and Pearl are far weaker than Garnet.

Is Spinel in love with Steven?

Despite her anger and irrationality, Spinel is somewhat trusting, as she is willing to go along with Steven to stop her injector. ... After returning to Homeworld with the Diamonds, Spinel returns to her goofy, fun-loving personality.

Does Steven hate Spinel?

Softened by Steven's validation of her experience, Spinel grows to love Steven over the course of the song “Found.” But Spinel's love for Steven rapidly turns to hate when she incorrectly assumes that he is going to Rejuvinate her once she stops her mega-injector from poisoning the Earth.

Why did Connie rejects Steven?

Married Too Young: One reason Connie gives for rejecting (or rather deferring) Steven's proposal is that they're both very young and have plenty of time ahead of them.

What gender is Shep Steven Universe?

While no official statement has been released confirming Shep is non-binary, this is not out of the ordinary for the show; Steven Universe has included lesbian, transgender, intersex, and non-binary characters throughout its five-season run. The show's creator, Rebecca Sugar, is also non-binary.

Will Steven ever meet Rose?

We found out Blue Diamond have been keeping Rose Quartz-type Gems imprisoned to avoid another rebellion. ... Just says someone decides to set all Rose Quartz-Type Gems unbubbled and this is where Steven finally meet Rose Quartz for the first time but........

Does Spinel have feelings for Steven?

Despite her anger and irrationality, Spinel is somewhat trusting, as she is willing to go along with Steven to stop her injector. ... After returning to Homeworld with the Diamonds, Spinel returns to her goofy, fun-loving personality. She is still visibly embarrassed by her past mistakes, however.