What Is Hypertext Example?

What is hypertext example?

The definition of hypertext is a word or words that contain a link to a website. An example of hypertext is the word "Facebook" that links to the Facebook page. ... See also HTML, hyperlink, Internet, server, text, and WWW.

How do I write HTML code?

HTML Editors

  1. Step 1: Open Notepad (PC) Windows 8 or later: ...
  2. Step 1: Open TextEdit (Mac) Open Finder > Applications > TextEdit. ...
  3. Step 2: Write Some HTML. Write or copy the following HTML code into Notepad: ...
  4. Step 3: Save the HTML Page. Save the file on your computer. ...
  5. Step 4: View the HTML Page in Your Browser.

Is HTML coding?

This is because HTML is not a programming language. Unfortunately, coding only in HTML doesn't make you a programmer. ... But don't worry, even with pure HTML, you're still a coder. You're writing lines of code in a (markup, not programming) language.

How do I read HTML code?

How to View Source Code

  1. Firefox: CTRL + U (Meaning press the CTRL key on your keyboard and hold it down. While holding down the CTRL key, press the “u” key.) ...
  2. Internet Explorer: CTRL + U. Or right click and select “View Source.”
  3. Chrome: CTRL + U. ...
  4. Opera: CTRL + U.

What are the basic codes of HTML?

Basic HTML

What are the 4 basic HTML tags?

There are four required tags in HTML. These are html, title, head and body. The table below shows you the opening and closing tag, a description and an example.

What are the 10 basic HTML tags?

Your First 10 HTML Tags

  • … — The root element. ...
  • … — The document head. ...
  • … — The page title. ...
  • … — The page's content. ...
  • … — A section heading. ...
  • — A paragraph. ...
  • … — A link. ...
  • — An image. The img element lets you insert images into your web pages.

What is HTML syntax?

Syntax is the arrangement of elements and attributes to create well-formed documents. ... In HTML, this is the purpose of elements and attributes, and the logical (sense and reference) relationship between elements and the attributes of those elements.

What is an example of syntax?

Syntax is the order or arrangement of words and phrases to form proper sentences. The most basic syntax follows a subject + verb + direct object formula. That is, "Jillian hit the ball." Syntax allows us to understand that we wouldn't write, "Hit Jillian the ball."

What are the two HTML syntax?

HTML is using tags for its syntax. A tag is composed with special characters: and /. They are interpreted by softwares to compose an HTML element.

What is difference between HTML elements and tags?

An element is a set of opening and closing tags in use. Tags are labels you use to mark up the begining and end of an element. All tags have the same format: they begin with a less-than sign "".

Why doctype is used in HTML?

Doctype stands for Document Type Declaration. It informs the web browser about the type and version of HTML used in building the web document. This helps the browser to handle and load it properly. While the HTML syntax for this statement is somewhat simple, you must note each version of HTML has its own rules.

What is a self closing tag in HTML?

A self-closing tag is an element of HTML code that has evolved in the language. Typically, the self-closing tag makes use of a “/” character in order to effectively close out a beginning tag enclosed in sideways carets.

What is an empty element?

An empty element is an element from HTML, SVG, or MathML that cannot have any child nodes (i.e., nested elements or text nodes). The HTML, SVG, and MathML specifications define very precisely what each element can contain. ... In HTML, using a closing tag on an empty element is usually invalid.

What are empty elements and it is valid?

Answer: These elements are called empty or void and only have a start tag since they can't have any content. They must not have an end tag in HTML. ... In HTML, using a closing tag on an empty element is usually invalid.

Is HR an empty element?

The tag in HTML stands for horizontal rule and is used to insert a horizontal rule or a thematic break in an HTML page to divide or separate document sections. The tag is an empty tag and it does not require an end tag. Used to specify the alignment of the horizontal rule.

Is BR an empty tag?

is an empty element without a closing tag (the tag defines a line break). Tip: In XHTML, all elements must be closed.

Are BR tags bad?

Creating separate paragraphs of text using is not only bad practice, it is problematic for people who navigate with the aid of screen reading technology. Screen readers may announce the presence of the element, but not any content contained within s.

How do you use a BR tag?

HTML br tag and element

  1. HTML br (line break) element creates a line break in text within an HTML document.
  2. Appropriate usage of the br element is to use it within a poem or an address.
  3. HTML br element should not be used to create vertical space between two chunk of text or content. ...
  4. br element can not contain any content by itself.

What can I use instead of br?

The tag is usually a line break in a HTML document. If you are using multiple tags for having more space, then use margin-top or margin-bottom in CSS.

What's the difference between BR and br />?

However, the difference is the position, and is universal for all XML tags. indicates the beginning of a tag, and indicates the end of a tag. ... In XML, any tag can be self closing, however, with HTML, only tags which are defined as such should be used that way.

Should I use BR or BR?

In HTML, the tag is used for line break. ... In HTML, use tag. In XHTML, the valid way is to use or as mentioned in the XHTML guidelines. According to w3 guidelines, a space should be included before the trailing / and > of empty elements, for example, .

Is it OK to use BR in HTML?

If you use just for line breaks - ok. If you use as a line spacer - not ok. So use of tag is perfectly valid HTML.

What is the correct HTML for adding a background Colour?

To set the background color in HTML, use the style attribute. The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element. The attribute is used with the HTML tag, with the CSS property background-color. HTML5 do not support the tag bgcolor attribute, so the CSS style is used to add background color.

Which is the correct CSS syntax?

The selector points to the HTML element you want to style. The declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons. Each declaration includes a CSS property name and a value, separated by a colon.

Where do we use BR tag in HTML?

Definition and Usage The tag inserts a single line break. The tag is useful for writing addresses or poems. The tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.