What Did Clay Do To Tyler?

What did Clay do to Tyler?

Clay took the assault rifle, Tyler got into Tony's car and they sped away before the police arrived. The season ended with Clay, Justin, and Jessica waiting outside the school.

What episode does Tyler get beat up in the bathroom?

The scene in question is in the season two finale - episode 13 titled Bye - and happens around 38 minutes into the episode. Tyler is left traumatised by the attack, which prompts him to orchestrate a high school gun massacre in revenge.

What episode does Monty assault Tyler?

In "Bye", the finale of Season 2. Monty shows just how cruel and depraved he can be, as he confronts Tyler Down in the boys' bathroom. There he smashes Tyler's head against a mirror, pummels his head on the sink, dunks his head into a toilet.

What did Tyler down do to Monty?

He is imprisoned after Tyler reports his sexual assault at Monty's hands (that infamous broom scene in season 2) to the police. When Ani tells Deputy Standall that Monty is Bryce's killer he informs her that Monty has been found dead.

Does Monty get in trouble for Tyler?

Monty was arrested and serving time for sexually assaulting Tyler (Devin Druid) at the end of season 2. ... He was framed for the murder of Bryce Walker, a complex lie that will absolutely unravel in the final season.

Does Tyler shoot up the school in 13rw?

In the end, it appears that Tyler's school shooting plan is merely the catalyst for the season's big soap opera twist. ... We learn that Tyler successfully evaded the cops who were heading to the school after the reports of a shooter present, driven away by Tony (Christian Navarro) and leaving Clay with his guns.

Who killed Monty from 13 Reasons Why?

Tyler revealed Monty raped him, and Monty was sent to prison where he was murdered in his cell. The gang, encouraged by Clay, pinned Bryce's murder on the now dead Monty.

Who killed Monty 13 Reasons Why?

1/22Netflix: 13 Reasons Why (2020) - In pictures Bryce was beat up by Zach, then murdered by Alex. Jessica watched it happen. Tyler revealed Monty raped him, and Monty was sent to prison where he was murdered in his cell. The gang, encouraged by Clay, pinned Bryce's murder on the now dead Monty.

Does Tyler tell the police about Monty?

By the penultimate episode, Tyler was also ready to tell his story to the police, and it was as a result of this that Monty was apprehended by officers and taken into custody for sexual assault in the first degree.

Who killed Monty 13 reasons?

1/22Netflix: 13 Reasons Why (2020) - In pictures Bryce was beat up by Zach, then murdered by Alex. Jessica watched it happen. Tyler revealed Monty raped him, and Monty was sent to prison where he was murdered in his cell. The gang, encouraged by Clay, pinned Bryce's murder on the now dead Monty.

How did Monty get framed?

We say blamed as it turns out the teens we've grown to know and love have framed Monty after Zach injured Bryce in a fight breaking his arm and leg so when Alex pushed him into the river he was unable to save himself and drowned.

Is Monty dead the 100?

By the end of Season Two, he is alive and at Camp Jaha, but not without the consequence of his actions. In Season Three, Monty joins the guard unit of Arkadia, to make sure order is maintained.