Where We Use Might?

Where we use might?

We use might when we are not sure about something in the present or future: I might see you tomorrow. It looks nice, but it might be very expensive. It's quite bright.

What is might and example?

Might is defined as to express doubt or a lower possibility. An example of might is to say that you may or may not go to the zoo tomorrow.

What does I might come mean?

might modal verb (POSSIBILITY) used to express the possibility that something will happen or be done, or that something is true although not very likely: I might come and visit you next year, if I can save enough money.

When should I use may or might?

Here is the breakdown: Use “may” when something is more likely to happen. Use “might” if something is less likely to happen or in a hypothetical situation.

How use might in a sentence?

Might sentence example
  1. It might have done damage inside. ...
  2. If you could see a way it might be possible, then it must be possible. ...
  3. We might have done something to help you. ...
  4. This might be the most difficult decision she would ever make. ...
  5. Either situation might be the case. ...
  6. No one knows what the mother might do.

Can we use might for future?

There is no future tense, but might is used for talking about future possibilities: It might rain tomorrow.

How can I use might in a sentence?

Might sentence example
  1. It might have done damage inside. ...
  2. If you could see a way it might be possible, then it must be possible. ...
  3. We might have done something to help you. ...
  4. This might be the most difficult decision she would ever make. ...
  5. Either situation might be the case. ...
  6. No one knows what the mother might do.

What is might in a sentence?

[M] [T] I might be a few minutes late. [M] [T] They might be taller than you. [M] [T] She said that it might be true. [M] [T] She might have met him yesterday.

How do you use might not?

"Probably won't" and "might not" are close in meaning, but "probably won't" means it is very likely that he won't become a doctor. "Might not" only means there is a chance he won't become a doctor, but it is also likely that he will.

What is the meaning of might be?

Denoting that which might be or occur; possible; potential; hypothetical. adjective. 16. 2. That which might be or happen; a possibility.

How do you use might?

Might is used to express what is hypothetical, counterfactual, or remotely possible. For example, If you hurry, you might get there on time. If I had shown up on time, I might have kept my job....May and Might When Expressing Possibility
  1. He may lose his job.
  2. We may go on vacation.
  3. I may have dessert after dinner.

How do you use might in a sentence?

Might sentence example
  1. It might have done damage inside. ...
  2. If you could see a way it might be possible, then it must be possible. ...
  3. We might have done something to help you. ...
  4. This might be the most difficult decision she would ever make. ...
  5. Either situation might be the case. ...
  6. No one knows what the mother might do.

Could May might be sentences?

Can Could May Might Must
  • Can. Can – for ability. I can dance Tango. ...
  • Could. Could – past ability. I could run ten kilometres when I was younger. ...
  • May. May – for formal permission. May I come in? ...
  • Might. Might – for possibility. The electrician might be finished by tomorrow. ...
  • Must. Must – to express a formal request or necessity.

What is might grammar?

Might is the past of may and allows us to express: • uncertainty, possibility or probability (it has a similar meaning to may, but gives an idea of greater uncertainty): The kids might be hungry. It's possible that the children are hungry.

What parts of speech is might?

language note: Might is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. 1. modal verb. You use might to indicate that something will possibly happen or be true in the future, but you cannot be certain.

How do you explain might?

1 —used to express permission, liberty, probability, or possibility in the past The president might do nothing without the board's consent. 2 —used to say that something is possible We might get there before it rains. I might go, but then again, I might not.

How do I use might?

Might is used to express what is hypothetical, counterfactual, or remotely possible. For example, If you hurry, you might get there on time. If I had shown up on time, I might have kept my job....For example,
  1. He may lose his job.
  2. We may go on vacation.
  3. I may have dessert after dinner.

Is Might a conditional?

Conditional verbs are used to create conditional sentences, which express hypothetical or unlikely situations. Conditional verbs can be used in the past, present, or future tense, and auxiliary verbs like can/could, will/would, and may/might are important in forming conditionals.

What might means?

1 —used to express permission, liberty, probability, or possibility in the past The president might do nothing without the board's consent. 2 —used to say that something is possible We might get there before it rains. I might go, but then again, I might not.

Can be or might be?

The past tense of may is might. From time to time, writers also struggle with the difference between may and can. The difference here is more pronounced. May expresses permission, while can expresses ability. Moms everywhere are notorious for emphasizing this particular grammatical difference.