Is Mewtwo Y Or X Better?

Is Mewtwo Y or X better? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is Mewtwo Y or X better?

Mega Mewtwo Y is the better mega in this case. It is faster and Mewtwo's special movepool is much better than physical, consisting of a powerful STAB Psystrike and more powerful coverage.

How does Mewtwo evolve?

Evolution. Mewtwo cannot evolve. However, it can Mega Evolve with the use of a Mewtwonite X or a Mewtwonite Y.

Is Mewtwo X or Y?

Mewtwo (Pokémon)9 more rows

What is the difference between Mewtwo X and Mewtwo Y?

Mega Mewtwo X have high defense (VERY important) and does not weak to bug, while Y is harder to revenge kill with Special Scarf such as Palkia.