Is A German Shorthaired Pointer A Good Family Dog?

Is a German Shorthaired Pointer a good family dog?

German Shorthaired Pointers make great family dogs, but can be a handful for small children. ... The GSP is a very affectionate, loving companion that mostly likes children and other dogs, though since they're so rambunctious, some experts advise against having them in households with children under seven.

Are German Shorthaired Pointers aggressive?

Toward strangers he may be very friendly or somewhat reserved, so his alarm bark may be welcoming or mildly protective. But this is NOT an aggressive breed. Most German Shorthairs are good with other pets, but some can be aggressive with strange dogs, and some are determined cat chasers.

Do German Shorthaired Pointers like to cuddle?

There's no doubting their athletic prowess or intellectual abilities, but most families choose German Shorthaired Pointers because of their affectionate personalities and loyalty. Whether they live for the hunt or would rather go on long hikes before cuddling on the couch, these dogs make excellent family companions.

Will a German Shorthaired Pointer protect you?

While they are a very friendly dog as long as they have been socialized early, a German Shorthaired Pointer can be very protective of his humans and home. Some will have more of an intense need to protect their pack than others, but in general, this is not an aggressive breed.

Do pointers bark a lot?

English Pointers, especially youngsters, become restless and bored when confined too much and may resort to destructive chewing and barking.

Do German pointers bark a lot?

German Shorthaired Pointers are high-energy dogs. ... Bored German Shorthaired Pointers can become escape artists, so you need at least a six-foot tall fence if you plan to leave them alone outside. GSPs bark at strangers and noises. They also are a bit reserved with strangers.

Do German shorthaired pointers bark a lot?

German Shorthaired Pointers are high-energy dogs. ... Bored German Shorthaired Pointers can become escape artists, so you need at least a six-foot tall fence if you plan to leave them alone outside. GSPs bark at strangers and noises. They also are a bit reserved with strangers.

Do German Shorthaired Pointers bark a lot?

German Shorthaired Pointers are high-energy dogs. ... Bored German Shorthaired Pointers can become escape artists, so you need at least a six-foot tall fence if you plan to leave them alone outside. GSPs bark at strangers and noises. They also are a bit reserved with strangers.

Can Pointers be left alone?

Provided your GSP gets plenty of exercise, training, and human interaction, you may find that you can leave them alone for an entire eight hour work day or even a bit longer without any trouble. These are intelligent, highly trainable dogs who are eager to please you.

Are Pointers good guard dogs?

Children and Pointers are a great combination. ... According to the breed standard, Pointers are dignified dogs that are never timid with strangers or other dogs. They are also protective of their territory and family. This makes them fabulous watchdogs that will alert you to anything amiss.

Can German shorthaired pointers be left alone?

German Shorthaired Pointers are high-energy dogs. ... Without sufficient exercise, your GSP may become nervous and destructive. GSPs are people-oriented and don't like to be left alone for long periods of time without something to keep them busy.

Why do German shorthaired pointers shake?

The Short Haired German Pointer is an excitable dog because he likes to be active. ... After a spell in a dam or river, your dog is going to shake off the excess water on his coat. The action of shaking off the water and having a good shiver helps prevent hypothermia, as well as dry off your dog.

Do GSP puppies sleep a lot?

Claire Richardson‎German Shorthaired Pointer How much sleep does he need a day? ... My puppies generally sleep through the night, eat breakfast, play inside, nap, play outside, nap quite a few hours, eat dinner, play inside, go outside for longer walks/play, nap, play, and then it's bedtime.

What is the number 1 smartest dog breed?

1. Border Collie: A workaholic, this breed is the world's premier sheep herder, prized for its intelligence, extraordinary instinct, and working ability. 2. Poodle: Exceptionally smart and active.

Do German Shorthaired Pointers get separation anxiety?

The energetic, eager, and highly trainable German Shorthaired Pointer is intelligent and friendly, and enthusiastic without being nervous, although she can develop separation anxiety if you routinely leave her alone for long stretches.

Why do they cut GSP tails?

Historically, it was thought to decrease the risk of rabies and strengthen a dog's back. The most common reason to dock in recent history is to decrease injury risk to working dogs—dogs who hunt, herd, or otherwise work in the field.