Will God Of War 5 Come To PC?

Will God of War 5 come to PC? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Will God of War 5 come to PC?

Earlier this week, Sony confirmed that God Of War would be included in PlayStation Now's July lineup, which means that the game is now playable on PC. ... This means that while God Of War is physically still a PlayStation exclusive, PC players can now play the game on their own system.

Is there a PC version of God of War?

The 2018 God of War reboot is one of Sony's crown jewel exclusives: and once more, technically, you'll be able to play it on PC. The title was announced for the PlayStation Now streaming service, which has a PC version, and now accessible in the app.

Is there a way to play God of War 4 on PC?

Unfortunately, God of War is not available on any gaming service platform for PC. We currently don't have any information regarding God of War ever getting a proper PC port. At the very least, PC gamers who do not possess a PlayStation 4 now have access to one of the best games ever made.

Will ghost of Tsushima ever be on PC?

Ghost of Tsushima will be the latest PlayStation exclusive to come to PC.

Where is God of War on PC?

How to play God of War on PC
  • Go to the official PlayStation Now for PC page right here.
  • Download the PC app. ...
  • Plug in a DualShock 4 controller via USB.
  • If you don't have a PlayStation Network account, you'll need to make one here.
  • You can then subscribe to PlayStation Now or use a one-time free trial to test it out.
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Is Uncharted On PC?

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End will be available for PC gamers who have never played an Uncharted game before, as well as Uncharted enthusiasts searching for a new experience.

Is Uncharted 4 coming to PC?

Sony documents detailing plans for Uncharted 4 coming to PC. Sony President and CEO Jim Ryan, in an interview with Famitsu, confirmed that PlayStation will be bringing more of their IPs to PC.

Is Uncharted 4 available for PC?

Uncharted 4 for PC - A Thief's End will soon be available for PC gamers who have never played an Uncharted game before. ... Uncharted 4: A Thief's End will be available for PC gamers who have never played an Uncharted game before, as well as Uncharted enthusiasts searching for a new experience.

What is harder Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima?

Ghost of Tsushima will not be as hard as Sekiro, nor any of the Souls games. ... Sekiro does not, and will not, compromise on the challenge that it throws at you. You either learn, adopt, and succeed, or you will end up stuck and walled by a boss forever. You will miss more than half of the game's content if this happens.