What Is Mansplain?

What is Mansplain?

: to explain something to a woman in a condescending way that assumes she has no knowledge about the topic My least favorite player was Donnie, who tried to mansplain Scrabble because he didn't recognize me and took me for a neophyte.—

What is mansplaining in Spanish?

The word 'mansplaining' now has its official equivalent in Spanish: machoexplicación. ... According to the revered dictionary, mansplain means '… (of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronising'.

What's the word when you talk down to someone?

Synonyms for talk down (to) condescend, lord (it over), patronize.

What do you call someone that talks down to you?

condescension Add to list Share. Condescension is an insulting way of talking to other people, as if they were stupid or ignorant. Condescension is rude and patronizing.

What is a chauvinistic pig?

: a man who thinks women are not equal to men.

What's the word for making someone feel guilty?

shame. verb. to make someone feel guilty or embarrassed.

Who first said Hangry?

Rebecca Camu The earliest known use of the word hangry was by Rebecca Camu in her short story A Splinter of Glass, published in 1992. The internet has popularized the use of the word hangry, which is an adjective.

What are the only 3 words that end in gry?

The question is... Angry & Hungry both end in the letters gry. There are only three words in the English language that end in gry; I gave you the first two....The three words end in g, r and y respectively.
  • The last letter of first word must end in g. ( ...
  • The last letter of the second word must end in r. (

What do you call a woman who dates a married man?

mistress. noun. a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man.

What do you call a woman who dates a married woman?

A mistress is a woman who is in a relatively long-term sexual and romantic relationship with a man who is married to a different woman.