Quem Foi Sidenius?

Quem foi Sidenius

O filme dinamarquês se passa no final do século 19 e conta a história de Per Sidenius (Esben Smed), um homem de família religiosa muito conservadora e humilde que não quer seguir a tradição dos irmãos de ter uma carreira no clero. Com uma inteligência acima da média, Per prefere o caminho da ciência e da engenharia.

Onde passa o filme Um Homem de Sorte?

Dirigido por Bille August (“Trem Noturno para Lisboa“), o longa conta a história de Peter Andreas Sidenius (Esben Smed), um talentoso estudante de engenharia que cresceu com uma família muito religiosa na cidade de Jutland, na Dinamarca.

Em Como Eu Era Antes de Você, o rico e bem sucedido Will (Sam Claflin) leva uma vida repleta de conquistas, viagens e esportes radicais até ser atingido por uma moto. O acidente o torna tetraplégico, obrigando-o a permanecer em uma cadeira de rodas.

Quando Zac Efron chega à escola no subúrbio de Nova Orleans, improvisada como uma das locações para as filmagens de “Um Homem de Sorte“, ele parece menos o mocinho saracoteador da franquia “High School Musical” e mais um atleta se preparando para uma prova de triatlo.

Hope for progress survives terror and war

				Hope for progress survives terror and war

Situada no final do Século XIX, a história acompanha a vida de Peter Andreas Sidenius, um jovem de dezesseis anos que viaja para Copenhague para estudar engenharia hidráulica. Sonhando em criar um novo sistema de canais, Per, como ele é conhecido, busca ajuda financeira com a família Salomon.

Sidanius’ work ethic was well-known among his colleagues and students. Bobo recalled that at UCLA Sidanius was nicknamed “The Brain,” and he emerged from his office only for caffeine and meals.

“He was a big persona, a charming and very solid man, a good friend. If you got to talk to him, you would find it difficult to forget him,” said Bobo. “He was willing to look at the ugly side of human social existence, and in many ways would focus on what comes out of the dark side of human nature — or the beast, as he would call it. He felt that if you can’t look at it or engage it, then you can’t deal with it.”

Onde passa o filme Um Homem de Sorte?

Sidanius and Pratto also originated the idea of social dominance orientation: the extent to which an individual will support or work against hierarchy in a social system. That orientation, they argued, could influence a person’s interests, choice of career, and religious and racial attitudes. And on the whole, they felt it was unlikely that a given society would ever fully eradicate hierarchy in favor of egalitarianism.

Quem acompanha as obras de Nicholas Sparks, já sabe que o que sempre acontece no final: alguém morre. Esse longa também não é diferente. É obvio que o livro é mais rico em detalhes e é possível transmitir no filme apenas o básico.

New study finds wide gap in SAT/ACT test scores between wealthy, lower-income kids

				New study finds wide gap in SAT/ACT test scores between wealthy, lower-income kids

Over the course of his career, Sidanius published five books and more than 330 scientific papers. He received numerous honors for his work, including a Harold Lasswell Award from the International Society of Political Psychology for Distinguished Scientific Contribution in the Field of Political Psychology and a Career Contribution Award from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. He also received a Scientific Impact Award and a Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society for Experimental Social Psychology. Sidanius was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2007 and the Association of Psychological Science in 2013.

Peter Andreas Heiberg (Vordingborg, 16 de Novembro de 1758 – Paris, 30 de Abril de 1841) foi um autor e filólogo dinamarquês – norueguês. Ele nasceu em Vordingborg, Dinamarca-Noruega.

“When I felt disheartened because of the nature of my research on prejudice and inequality, he reminded me that it was just the nature of the game, saying, ‘You can’t get mad at the rattlesnake for biting you; it’s just in its nature,’” said Asma Ghani, a current doctoral student in the Sidanius Lab. “When I felt scared of my research — fearing failed experiments — he reminded me that there was no need to feel scared of data, to just let it speak to me and that I was a good scientist regardless of the outcome of my experiments.”

Good genes are nice, but joy is better

“Como eu era antes de você” mostra que é possível reencontrar a felicidade, mesmo em uma situação de extrema tristeza e amargura. Quando temos uma ajuda de uma pessoa especial e muito querida, tudo fica mais fácil, porém, às vezes, podemos ser meio teimosos e um pouco cínicos com essa pessoa que só quer o nosso bem.

Um talentoso engenheiro abandona suas raízes austeras por riqueza e sucesso em meio à elite de Copenhague. Mas o mesmo orgulho que o motiva pode representar sua ruína. Assista o quanto quiser.

Sidanius employed numerous research methods in his work but was especially interested in data analysis. He taught research methods at Harvard, and in his final years, he was teaching himself the complex R programming language, used by many data analysts, to stay current with statistics research.

Como Eu Era Antes de Você frases do filme?

At the same time, Sidanius was nurturing a burgeoning interest in psychology. He received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the City College at the City University of New York and did counseling work with local youth. But he became disillusioned with both clinical work and the deep-seated racism of his home country in the late 1960s and, like many other Black activists of the time, sought a new home abroad. He renounced his U.S. citizenship and traveled to Cuba and Algeria before settling in Sweden, where he earned a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Stockholm. While there, he saw hierarchies of ethnicity and gender play out in a different, yet familiar way.

“He had a very high level of statistical analytical skills and was constantly collecting and analyzing data,” said Bobo. “He relentlessly pursued ways of getting data to test and validate his viewpoint, as opposed to simply accepting a claim that someone else had put on the table.”

Quem acompanha as obras de Nicholas Sparks, já sabe que o que sempre acontece no final: alguém morre. Esse longa também não é diferente. É obvio que o livro é mais rico em detalhes e é possível transmitir no filme apenas o básico.